Jody -- Good luck. This sounds like a lifetime's work.  Take a look at Ian
Tyrrell's Women's World, Women's Empire, Chapel Hill: U. North Carolina
Press, 1991.  It's the most heroic attempt yet at a cross-national
temperance history.  His paper in Histoire Sociale/Social History
27:413-445, 1994, "Prohibition, American cultural expansion, and the
new hegemony in the 1920s: An interpretation" gives a picture of a
moment when US influence was at its apogee.
   As people will tell you, there's lots of good literature reviews in back
issues of the Social History of Alcohol Review, including George Snow
on the literature on temperance and alcohol in Russia.
  Other random bits: Antoni Zielinski, Polish culture: dry or wet? gives you
a glimpse into Polish alcohol history -- Contemporary Drug Problems
21:329-340, 1994.  Zielinski is arguing against a synthetic piece by Harry
Levine: Temperance cultures: concern about alcohol problems in Nordic
and English-speaking cultures, pp. 15-36 in M. Lader et al., eds., The
Nature of Alcohol- and Drug-Related Problems, Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992.
There's a good paper by Sidsel Eriksen comparing Danish and Swedish
temperance -- Harry's paper more or less gives a reference to it.
   Jed Dannenbaum gave a very good overview paper, "Anti-alcohol
mass movements: the cross-cultural perspective", at the 96th annual
meeting of the American Historical Association, Los Angeles Dec 28-30,
1981.  I don't know if it was ever published; maybe someone on the list
can tell you how to track it or him down (SHAR folk: I think it still might be
worth publishing).
   Take a look at the introduction by Susanna Barrows and myself to the
book we edited, Drinking: Behavior and Belief in Modern History,
Berkeley & LA: University of California Press, 1991.
   A great resource, if you haven't found it yet, is the great monument of
temperance scholarship and global ambitions, E. Cherrington's Standard
Encyclopedia of the Alcohol Problem.
   Time to go.  Hope this helps.  I'd love to see what you come up with.
Robin Room
>>> Jodi Gliksman Boston University <[log in to unmask]> 01/06/98 03:39am
        I am a senior at Boston University and I am currently working on a
thesis project entitled: A Comparative Study of the Temperance
Movement. I
plan to analyze the United States, all of Western Europe and possibly
Russia. If you know of any information that would be of value, a reply
be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Jodi Gliksman