To Region G Council and Section Presidents - Here is the
message that went out to regiong-all, in case you haven't seen
it.  Please forward to anyone you can think of, including your
Sections/members.  I have asked the Conference Committee to
send out snail mail invitations as well.  --Mary Kinsella

Region G SWE Members,

As proud hosts, we warmly invite you to attend the 1998
Society of Women Engineers Region G Conference.

As you know, SWE strives to stimulate women to achieve their
full potential as engineers and leaders. The regional
conference serves as a means to achieve this goal through
fellowship and education. With this in mind, the Region G
Conference can benefit SWE members and non-members alike.

So mark your calendars and register today. All conference
information is online, including registration forms, at

We look forward to seeing you on November 13th!

Inaas Darrat
UK SWE President

Dianne Loggins
Bluegrass SWE President