November 2005


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Evgueni Martynov <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Perfigo SecureSmart and CleanMachines Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 3 Nov 2005 14:00:41 -0500
text/plain (1232 bytes) , avcheck.wsf (3608 bytes)

If Symantec is integrated with Windows Security Center (versions >=9.x, 
OS>=XP) then this JS code
should work:

provObj = GetObject("winmgmts:/root/SecurityCenter");

colItems = provObj.InstancesOf ("AntiVirusProduct");
for(e = new Enumerator(colItems) ; !e.atEnd() ; e.moveNext())
   Profile = e.item();
//   Wscript.Echo("Company="+Profile.companyName);


For Win2k and SAV v7.x we could check LiveUpdate and compare its info 
with the info from
but that's probably not an elegant solution (see attached avcheck.wsf).


William Doyle wrote:

>Good Day,
>We're toying with the idea of only checking to see whether Symantec anti-
>virus was configured for scheduled updates, and then checking for up to
>date defs if there is an outbreak.
>I've been poking aroung the registry and running sysinternals regmon while
>enabling and disabling shceduled updates, but have been unable to identify
>a registry entry associated with this.
>Anybody know where to look?

<package> <job id="av"> <script language="JScript"> var urlStatus=0; // Connect to Windows Security Center to get the update status of AntiVirus // also check the presence of Symantec LiveUpdate // Usage: cscript /Nologo avcheck.wsf function ReportFileStatus(filespec) {    var fso, s = filespec;    fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");    if (fso.FileExists(filespec))       return(1);    else       return(0); } // construct an Associative Array function Months(){ this.Jan = 0; this.Feb = 1; this.Mar = 2; this.Apr = 3; this.May = 4; this.Jun = 5; this.Jul = 6; this.Aug = 7; this.Sep = 8; this.Oct = 9; this.Nov = 10; this.Dec = 11; } function LiveUpdate(path) { var m = new Months(); var fso, f, text; var ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2; fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); f = fso.OpenTextFile(path, ForReading); text=f.ReadAll(); f.Close(); var re = new RegExp(/DOWNLOADS\\LIVETRI.ZIP\\LAST-MODIFIED=.+, (\S+?) (\S+?) (\S+?) /); text.match(re); //WScript.Echo(RegExp.$3+" "+RegExp.$2+" "+RegExp.$1); var lud = new Date(RegExp.$3,m[RegExp.$2],RegExp.$1); //WScript.Echo(m[RegExp.$2]); return(lud.getTime()); } // finding where liveupdate section starts and searching for "Extended Version" // in that piece of text function LU_check(){ var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP"); try{"GET", "",true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function (){ if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200){ urlStatus=1; } else {      urlStatus=0;        } } // ?? xmlhttp.send(); } catch(e){} // using this construction to specify our own timeout - of 5 seconds // global urlStatus is set by onreadystatechange handler function for(i=0;i<10;i++){  if(urlStatus == 1) break; WScript.Sleep(500); //WScript.Echo('.'); } if(urlStatus != 1){ return("LU_missingWebPage"); } else{ var text = xmlhttp.responseText; } var s = RegExp("Virus Definitions created <!-- LUCREATEDATE start -->")); var re = new RegExp(/Extended Version: (.+)\/(.+)\/(.+) rev/); //r = text.substr(s,text.length).match(re); var lus = text.substr(s); lus.match(re); var d = new Date(RegExp.$3,RegExp.$1-1,RegExp.$2); var webDate = d.getTime(); var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); var WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment("Process"); var path = WshSysEnv("AllUsersProfile") + "\\Application Data\\Symantec\\LiveUpdate\\Settings.LiveUpdate"; if( ReportFileStatus(path) ){ // WScript.Echo("Symantec LiveUpdate was found!");         luDate = LiveUpdate(path); //WScript.Echo("Web time: "+webDate+" lu time: "+luDate); //var mwd= new Date(webDate); //var mld= new Date(luDate); //WScript.Echo("Web time: "+mwd.toDateString()+" lu time: "+mld.toDateString()); if(luDate >= webDate)                              return("LU_uptodate"); else               return("LU_notuptodate"); }  else {         return(""); } return(""); } function jAVCenter() { var e = new Error(); try{ provObj = GetObject("winmgmts:/root/SecurityCenter"); colItems = provObj.InstancesOf ("AntiVirusProduct"); for(e = new Enumerator(colItems) ; !e.atEnd() ; e.moveNext()) {    Profile = e.item(); // Wscript.Echo("Company="+Profile.companyName);    Wscript.Echo("Name="+Profile.displayName);    Wscript.Echo("Version="+Profile.versionNumber);    if(Profile.productUptoDate) Wscript.Echo("WSCstatus="+'uptodate');     else Wscript.Echo("WSCstatus="+'notuptodate'); } } catch(e){ //WScript.Echo(e); } var luStr = LU_check(); if(luStr != ""){ WScript.Echo("LUstatus="+luStr); } else { // WScript.Echo("No Symantec LiveUpdate found"); } } jAVCenter(); </script> <script language="VBScript"> ' place holder </script> </job> </package>