October 2011


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Liz Jaggers <[log in to unmask]>
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Mon, 17 Oct 2011 02:17:10 +0000
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Sunday from about 11:00 am to 3:00 we (Luke Schrader and I) visited the north end of Hoover reservoir.  First on the menu at Area N was an adult Bald Eagle terrorizing a raft of Coots, viewed from across the lake.  It hovered and dove repeatedly, and repeatedly came up empty - and after 10 minutes of hard work it perched for a rest.  That's when the second adult flew in and joined (in the perching, at least).  

Others at Area N:  Cedar Waxwings, several dozen Killdeer, a couple dozen Ringbilled Gulls on the mudflats (1 juv), 3 Double Crested Commorants drying their wings on the large snag in the water (a raft of ~60 cormmorants was seen across on the west side), and 3 Pied-billed Grebes were diving nearby.  The Canada Geese were joined by a few Mallards.  On the walk out, we saw several Golden crowned Kinglets in a flock with chickadees & titmice, several Downy Woodpeckers and Whitebreasted Nuthatches.  Woodpeckers (Red bellied & downy) were active at the parking lot for the boardwalk.

Walking onto the boardwalk we were greeted by both eagles on the wing overhead, though they worked their way northeast & out of sight.  A Cooper's Hawk looped-the-loop in the direction the eagles led us, then a  Red-tailed Hawk was chased off by crows.  While on the other side of the bridge we spotted a juv. Black-crowned Night Heron.  With the RBGU across the channel three Greater Yellowlegs were working the edge and one Lesser YL was in attendance.

Across from Plumb Road we walked the shoreline for a better view of the cormorants & coots, who were clustered on a small island together.  At one point all the coots walked together to the right end and congregated in the shallow water.  While watching Yellow-rumped Warblers, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet and chickadees, we caught a brief sight of one of the eagles again.  In the shrubs we found two Palm Warblers.  Carolina Wren and another Golden-crowned Kinglet were in this area, too.

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