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December 2010


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"Yang, Yunhuang" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Research Computing Support <[log in to unmask]>, Yang, Yunhuang
Wed, 1 Dec 2010 17:15:21 -0500
text/plain (55 lines)

This is yunhuang from Dr. Kennedy's lab wiring to you about one program Rosetta running on hpc cluster. It used to work, but it is not working right now. I submitted the command script as the following:
#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -N Rosetta
#PBS -l nodes=16:ppn=2
#PBS -j oe
#### -m eab
#PBS -l walltime=480:0:0
#PBS -m eab
#PBS -q parallel

module load gcc-4.1.1
module load rosetta

cd /home/yangy9/bvr155/Rosetta/rosetta_xplor

time mpiexec rosetta.gccmpi bb t000 _ -relax -farlx -l input10.list -fa_input -ex1 -ex2 -random_loop -loop_skip_rate 0.3 -short_range_hb_weight 0.50 -long_range_hb_weight 1.0 -farlx_cycle_ratio 1.0 -full_filename -nstruct 1000

I got the error file describing as the following:

Warning: no access to tty (Bad file descriptor).
Thus no job control in this shell.
cat: /software/Modules/3.2.0/miami-default: No such file or directory
ModuleCmd_Load.c(200):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'gcc-4.1.1'
mpiexec was unable to launch the specified application as it could not find an executable:

Executable: rosetta.gccmpi
Node: compute-1-32.local

while attempting to start process rank 0.

real    0m1.171s
user    0m0.027s
sys     0m0.017s
So, basically some files are updated and directory maybe changed. That's the reason for current problem. I just don't know how to fix it due to my knowledge lack of cluster.

thanks for your time,


Yunhuang Yang, Ph.D
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Miami University in Oxford
701 E High St
Oxford, OH, 45056
Tel: (617)549-2931
Email: [log in to unmask]