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March 2004


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Mike Busam <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mike Busam <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Mar 2004 22:47:58 -0500
text/plain (822 bytes) , woodcock_on_nest.jpg (17 kB)
Greetings... I exchange emails fairly regularly with a woodcock aficionado
and conservationist from Quebec. Our correspondence tends to be somewhat
awkward, since there's a bit of  a language barrier between us. That might
explain why he thinks I track down woodcock with hunting dogs, which is how
he finds the birds in Quebec that he studies . . . and, during the hunting
season, shoots and eats. But to get to the point, he sent me the attached
photo today of a woodcock he found in Quebec in April 2003. The bird is
sitting on eggs and is almost buried under snow. I'll see if I can find out
if the nesting was successful, but I thought you might enjoy seeing the
photo. I've been wondering if the recent cold spell has affected local
woodcocks; I'll guess that the answer is "not really."

Take care,
---Mike Busam
West Chester, Ohio