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June 2006


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Tue, 6 Jun 2006 15:39:21 +0600
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stockk market highlights and investemnt advice Consider this insider information before buying stockks

Get Ctxe.Pk First Thing Today, It Is Exploding Now!

Price:     $0.59
Change:     $0.06 (11.76%) within 1 day!
Open:  0.53
Volume change:     521% Within 1 day! ! ! and this is just the beginning. Keep your radar on it!	

Before we start with the profile of CTXE we would like to mention something very important: A Big PR Campaign is moving this week . And it will go all week so it would be best to get in Now.

Company Profile
Cantex Energy Corporation is an independent, managed risk, oil and gas exploration, development, and production company headquartered in San Antonio, Texas.

Recent News
Cantex Energy Corp. Receiving Interest From the Industry as It Enters Next Phase of Development

Cantex Energy Corp. (CTXE - News) is pleased to report the following on its Big Canyon Prospect in West Texas. Recent company announcements related to the acquisition of over 48,000 acres of a world-class prospect has captured the attention of many oil & gas industry experts and corporations, who have recently inquired into various participation opportunities ranging from sharing science technology to support findings or expertise to drill, operate and manage wells.

Trace Maurin, President of Cantex, commented, "Although we are a small independent oil & gas company, we have a very unique 0pp0rtunity in one of the last under-explored world-class potential gas plays with no geopolitical risks and the industry is starting to take notice. As we prepare to prove up the various structures within our prospect later this month, we are increasing our efforts to communicate on our progress to our shareholders and investors. Our intention is to provide investors with a better understanding of the full potential of this prospect as we embark on the next phase of operations."

Starting immediately the company will undertake CEO interviews, radio spots (which will be recorded and published on the company website), publication placements, introductions to small cap institutional investors and funds all in an effort to optimize market awareness and keep our shareholder well informed.


The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Little Known Companies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are Already Familiar with This. Is CTXE Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch this One Trade tomorrow! Go CTXE.

Pen-ny sttocks are considered highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any way affiliated with the featured company. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you feel you have been wrongfully placed in our membership, send a blank e mail with No Thanks in the sub ject to

Epxected pirce at the end of the week: $1.0! Insider information covering booming sttock markets
This sstock is ggreatly recomendded by agressive inveestors in a short termm. 

Don't loose a chance to earrn. Earn more on booming sstock markets with expert advice 

He Is Rich Enough That Wants Nothing It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive Let sleeping dogs lie. Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow  Revenge is a dish best served cold. You cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds Never judge a book by its cover

It is good to be knowledgeable, but better to be lovable  Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs Dont count the days, make the days count! An apple a day keeps the doctor away  Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids. Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth  

But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house. Let bygones be bygones Life is like a drawing pin - sharp at one end, and flat at the other Exigency is the matriarch of ingenious contrivance. For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life. Seldom seen, soon forgotten All is for the best in the best of the possible worlds A creaking door hangs longest. What boots up must come down. Little Strokes Fell Great Oaks A proverb is a true word. There is safety in numbers Appearances are deceptive  Time is a great healer Macaw ask parrot if mango ripe, he say one, one.
Wedlock is a padlock Shame face ah feel like cent ice. To the jaundiced eye all things look yellow It takes two to make a quarrel To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity. Time and tide wait for no man. There is no such thing as a free lunch A man in love is a fool, and an old man in love is the greatest fool of all. 
Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of a stranger. Take heed of reconciled enemies and of meat twice boiled  There is a time to speak and a time to be silent In for a penny, in for a pound. Age is a very high price to pay for maturity The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Never choose bedlinen or a wife by candlelight  Accidents will happen in the best regulated families.