October 2006


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 16 Oct 2006 19:25:22 -0400391_US-ASCII I made a quick visit to the Deer Creek Reservoir this afternoon. Unfortunately it turned out to be a crappy day with rain or drizzle the whole time I was there, so birding was limited. The water level is finally being let down there, and mudflats are beginning to appear at the north end near Pancoastburg. Some of the birds seen at the few vantage points I checked included : [...]40_16Oct200619:25:[log in to unmask]
Reply To:
[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 17 Oct 2006 16:40:35 -0400245_us-ascii To Whom It May Concern,

I would appreciate it if you would let me know how to get off your email for
the time being. I am doing a lot of traveling and need to be taken off at
this time.

Thank you,

Miriam Smith46_17Oct200616:40:[log in to unmask]
Mon, 16 Oct 2006 15:27:14 EDT
text/plain (25 lines)
Today I followed-up with the trash clean-up project from Saturday at Hoover  
Reservoir. I went back into Areas M & N which weren't covered Saturday. I  got 
to combine birding with the clean-up. Shorebirds were somewhat slow this  
afternoon. On the mudflats and sand spits between Area N and the boardwalk at  
Area M there were 9 Greater Yellowlegs, 10 Dunlin, 3 Semipalmated Plovers and  
many Killdeer but nothing else. There were several Common Terns skirting about, 
 23 Great Blue Herons clustered about, Double-crested Cormorants on a far 
sand  spit and an adult Bald Eagle perched off Wiese Road.
Land species were also limited. The more interesting finds included too  many 
Yellow-rumped Warblers to count, many White-throated Sparrows and a few  
Swamp Sparrows, several Brown Creepers, a Pileated Woodpecker and a Barred  Owl.
Charlie Bombaci
Hoover Nature Preserve
Delorme 58 C (2) & (3)


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