August 2008


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 27 Aug 2008 13:47:30 EDT480_US-ASCII Just a brief note -- got an unofficial report of a Lawrence's Warbler from a
casual, but very observant birder, while hiking in Zaleski SF. It
apparently was a typical-appearing male, in excellent view.

If anyone is in the area, might keep an eye open.

Scott Hannan
Wayne County

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Reply To:
Sun, 24 Aug 2008 22:33:10 EDT
text/plain (38 lines)

As a follow up to Paula Lozano's post earlier this evening, there also  were
Baird's Sandpipers and the Red-Necked Phalarope previously reported by Kenn
Kaufman at the CR175 (S. Ridge Road) location in the only remaining puddle near
 the road.  With the evening sun at my back, I was afforded great views of
these birds in my binoculars and scope.  When my wife and I first arrived  at
the C34 location (no water now) around 5 PM, the only birds were 37  Great
Egrets and 13 Great Blue Herons all paying attention to a coyote that was  eyeing
them as he/she circled the field.  By far, the most birds were at  the CR292
location on both sides of the tracks.  There also were at  least a dozen
Short-Billed Dowitchers and 14 Northern Shovelers at this  location.  I carefully
scanned the areas adjacent to the water at this  location several times for over
an hour looking for Buff-Breasted  Sandpipers but came up empty.  At the T80
location, there were just a  few birds just after 5 PM, but at 8 PM the area
was filled predominantly with  both Yellowlegs species, Mallards, GB Herons,
and Blue-Winged Teal.  It was  interesting to see the change in numbers in such
a relatively short time.

Rob Lowry
Powell, Ohio

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