September 2009


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 8 Sep 2009 20:25:32 -0400350_us-ascii First I forgot to mention a couple of things in my last post, those sightings were the combined effort of the crew (Erin Cashion supervisor, Lauren Harter, Ryan Trimbath, Rich Aracil, and myself.

I also forgot to mention that we've been having some movement of Bobolinks, with birds flying over wherever we've been near fields.? [...]33_8Sep200920:25:[log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Mon, 14 Sep 2009 22:32:59 -0400
text/plain (25 lines)
Just in case you are someone like me who loves to look at pictures of birds, I thought I'd share my album containing the digiscope shots I took of the lovely Northern Wheatear. I got these pics as the bird was just going about its usual foraging routine, which if you were patient and stood still, involved the bird boldly approaching YOU coming to within 6 feet at times. Put a huge grin on my face thats for sure. Once I almost laughed out loud as the bold bird came up to 6 of us Looked our way and gave a few wing flicks and chup notes as if trying to get us to jump or something. I'm glad my lazy (two days late) chase paid off, I had been planning on getting up to "Time & Optics" anyways and this fit in great with that plan, for me Dave Slager, and Heather Raymond to carpool up. Worth a stop if you're up there, great selection of optics, birding equipment and guides. It was a lifer all-around for our car-load. Other birds included Red-headed Woodpecker, Tenn. Warbler, Y.-throat
 ed Vireo, EABLs etc.?
Sorry if you can't access the video, its on facebook and I'm not sure how well this address here will get you to it. I shot it thru the scope on my camera, so its a tad jiggly since I was being sloppy. Oh well it shows the bird getting an insect.


This is the public link to the photo album if you care to peruse:?http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2019596&id=164901416&l=95d9fa44cc

Cheers and Good Birding,?

Ben Warner


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