November 2009


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 20 Nov 2009 16:00:23 -0500607_us-ascii While on business today at this newly acquired state property (DeLorme
42D1), a flock of waterfowl caught my eye over a portion of the lake.
It seemed an unusual leap-frogging movement of birds over the surface in
a shallow embayment. When I glassed the area with binoculars I noticed
a peregrine falcon perched atop a dead tree in the water. It almost
immediately peeled off and flew over the ducks and then out of sight
around the corner. Although these ducks at first appeared small, I
couldn't find anything at this location other than 60 - 70 mallards.
There were [...]48_20Nov200916:00:[log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Fri, 20 Nov 2009 01:00:50 -0500
text/plain (14 lines)
Gabe didn't mention, but we were at Rocky River park, where Paula first reported the Pacific Loon. I saw the bird Gabe was talking about in his post too. My opinion is that I'm not sure what it was, it was pretty far off and bad lighting. I still didn't feel the bird looked right for a PALO, didn't seem small enough, didn't seem like it had the right neck markings (defined white throat/dark neck) and to me the bird wasn't that different from the other loons. Also, comparing it to definitive Pacific Loon photos (and not the ones of funky mislabeled Commons) I'd say it didn't resemble the definitive Pacific Loons to me, but I'm not sure. 
Still worth checking out in the morning if you're around probably. Good Birding
Ben Warner


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