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August 2011


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"Schloss, David Mr." <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Miami University Creative Writing Faculty <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Aug 2011 01:03:36 -0400
text/plain (149 lines)
Dear Eric,

My thoughts: Late April is probably too late for us--and we will have way too many poets reading this year as it is. I am not especially interested in her work, so don't feel motivated to accommodate her reading at Miami. If any are interested, they can make a case, or catch her at UC, I think.


From: Miami University Creative Writing Faculty [[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Goodman, Eric [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:15 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: FW: Query for Miami University of Ohio

Dear Colleagues, especially, poets,

    Any interest?


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From: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 04:20:55 -0400
To: "Goodman, Eric" <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: "Jayasena, Nalin Asoka Dr." <[log in to unmask]>, "Mannur, Anita" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Query for Miami University of Ohio

Dear Professor Goodman (Eric),

Greetings from Seattle--I hope this message finds you well, in the last few days of a peaceful and productive summer.  I last saw you at AWP, I believe in 2008 in NYC.  I will be at AWP in Chicago in 2012:  I'm on a panel and will probably do a signing for my new book.  Perhaps you will be there as well.

I'm writing now because I have been invited to read in the visiting writers' series at the University of Cincinnati, in late April 2012 (date to be set soon), and will also do a presentation on translation, most likely with Don Bogen.  I hope to make other visits nearby on the same trip, so thought to enquire about the possibility of visiting Miami University of Ohio to give a reading, visit classes, conduct a workshop, or speak to student groups whose interests could include South Asian literature, Women's Studies, or Latin American studies.

My most recent news is that the new book, Mania Klepto: the Book of Eulene (Turning Point Books), has just appeared.  I am giving performances and readings from this book, which features the post-modern alter-ego Eulene.  Here are the publisher's web page and blog about the book, followed by the book's first review (for Hayden's Ferry Review) and the cover image (below).

< >

I have included biodata and information about other books, awards, teaching and presentations below, at the end of this message, in case you would need to present all of this to other colleagues.  Thanks very much for your attention, and all best with your writing, and with the start of the new academic year.



Carolyne Wright
American Book Award
Best American Poetry 2009
The Pushcart Prize XXXIV, 2010
Contributing Editor, the Pushcart Prizes


Carolyne Wright
13741 15th Avenue NE, # C-7
Seattle, WA  98125  USA
206-367-0242; [log in to unmask]




Below is more information relevant for this query--

My previous collection of poetry, A Change of Maps (Lost Horse Press, 2006), nominated for the Los Angeles Times Book Awards, was a finalist for the Idaho Prize and the Alice Fay di Castagnola Award from the Poetry Society of America. It was featured on the SPD Bestseller list for fall 2006, and won the 2007 IPPY Bronze Award for Poetry. A Change of Maps received favorable attention, with an essay-review in The Iowa Review (Vol. 38, No. 1), and another extended review by David Rigsbee in The Cortland Review.

The title poem of a collection in progress, "This dream the world is having about itself...," appears in The Best American Poetry 2009 (ed. David Wagoner) and in the Pushcart Prize XXXIV: Best of the Small Presses (2010); and I am now a Contributing Editor for the Pushcart Prizes.  This poem was featured on KUOW-FM:

Also published a few years ago is Seasons of Mangoes and Brainfire (Carnegie Mellon U Press / EWU  Books, 2nd ed. 2005), which received the Blue Lynx Prize, Oklahoma Book Award in Poetry, and American Book Award.  Poems from Seasons of Mangoes and Brainfire also appear in the anthology Range of Voices: A Collection of Contemporary Poets, ed. Tod Marshall (Carnegie Mellon U Press
/ EWU Books, 2005), as does an interview in his Range of the Possible: Conversations with Contemporary Poets (Carnegie Mellon U Press / EWU Books, 2002).

Another recent book, the anthology of translations, Majestic Nights: Love Poems of Bengali Women (White Pine Press, 2008), has done very well since it was published, and will be the focus of an interview for Hayden's Ferry Review, the literary magazine of Arizona State University.   A review of this anthology has been posted on the Hayden's Ferry Review blogspot site, at: <> <>

[cid:3397396601_265918911]     [cid:3397396601_265889850]      [cid:3397396601_265907805]       [cid:3397396601_265887660]      [cid:3397396601_265936351]

Other volumes in my translation from Bengali published so far include Another Spring, Darkness: Selected Poems of Anuradha Mahapatra (Calyx Books), a renowned West Bengali poet about whom Adrienne Rich has written, "across culture and language we are encountering a great world poet."  Another published collection is The Game in Reverse: Poems of Taslima Nasrin (George Braziller), the dissident Bangladeshi writer living in exile with a price on her head.

These poems have appeared in a number of major U. S. anthologies, including The Vintage Book of Contemporary World Poetry, ed. J. D. McClatchy; and Poetry 180: A Turning Back to Poetry, ed. Billy Collins (Random House, 2003), as well as in dozens of literary magazines, including The New Yorker, Poetry, London Review of Books, The Iowa Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, and American Poetry Review. Also in progress are a collection of Nasrin's essays, provisionally entitled The Perils of Free Speech.  My work among the women of Bengal (West Bengal and Bangladesh), the subject of a memoir in progress, may also be of interest.

I spent four years on Indo-U.S. Subcommission and Fulbright Senior Research fellowships in Kolkata and Dhaka, Bangladesh, collecting and translating the work of Bengali women poets and writers.  For these translations, I have received Witter Bynner Foundation grants, an NEA Grant in Translation, and a Fellowship from the Bunting Institute of Radcliffe College; and I have been a research associate at Harvard University (Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies), Wellesley College (Center for Research on Women), and Emory University (Asian Studies Program), where I also taught courses on South Asian Women's Literature which were cross-listed with English and Women's Studies.

My volume of translations from Chilean Spanish, In Order to Talk with the Dead: Selected Poems of Jorge Teillier (U of Texas Press), won the National Translation Award from the American Literary Translators' Association.  I am finishing the PEN/Jerard Fund Award-winning investigative memoir in progress, The Road to Isla Negra, about my experiences in Chile on a Fulbright-Hays grant during the presidency of Salvador Allende, and the changes in Chile since then.

In late 2008, I returned to Chile on a Partners of the Americas Education and Culture grant, with Seattle-based Chilean poet Eugenia Toledo, giving talks, readings, and workshops (mainly in Spanish) at universities, community centers, and libraries in Santiago, Temuco, Valdivia, La Serena, and elsewhere.  Eugenia and I have been translating each other's work, particularly a manuscript of poems she has been writing based on our time in Chile, Trazas de mapa / Map Traces, which has received a grant from 4Culture, the King County Arts Commission.  We also have a chapbook of work produced from our Chilean presentations, La luz ambarina de la lluvia: letras de Temuko / The Rain's Amber Light: Letters from Temuco.

I have read, directed workshops, and given presentations at conferences and festivals such as Arizona State U's "Desert Nights, Rising Stars" Writers Conference, Seattle's Bumbershoot, Burning Word, the Chautauqua Writers' Center, Cleveland State U's "Imagination2," Field's End Writer's Conference, Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival, the Frost Place, LiTFUSE, the Mountain Writers Center, Naropa, Northwest Poets' Concord, Port Townsend Writers Conference, San Miguel Poetry Week, Santa Fe Writers Conference, Skagit River Poetry Festival, Vermont College Postgraduate Writers Conference, U of Central Oklahoma's Speaking in Tongues festival, Whidbey Island Writers Conference, Write on the River, and Write on the Sound.  I have held writing residencies at Jentel (Pushcart Writers residency), the Santa Fe Art Institute, the Vermont Studio Center, Virginia Center for the Arts, Yaddo, and the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown; and I have given readings, talks, and workshops at colleges, universities, and literary centers around the country.

Since moving back to my native Seattle and since its first residency in 2005, I have served on the faculty of the Northwest Institute of Literary Arts' Whidbey Writers Workshop low-residency MFA Program, leading graduate poetry workshops; directing theses in poetry (three of which have been published or accepted for publication by leading independent presses); and teaching Studies in Craft of Poetry (a course very popular with students from all genres in the NILA program), Directed Readings in Poetry courses, including "Long Plays: Reading Complete Collections and Organizing Your Own" and "Poetry as Narrative: Memoir and Story in Verse"; and Methods of Teaching Creative Writing, a pedagogy theory and practicum course for MFA graduates. During the 10-day August and January residencies, for the Profession of Writing sessions, I have given talks on publishing with university and independent presses, on poets as mentors, on Elizabeth Bishop's poetry and the poetry of travel, on translation of poetry, on writing about the land through poetry, and on moving from poetry to prose in my own writing.

I also direct community workshops for Seattle's Richard Hugo House--poetry workshops (on narrative poetry, persona and dramatic poetry, poetic forms, figures of speech, writing about the land, and the very popular "'Miracles for Breakfast'--Writing like Elizabeth Bishop"), as well as reading courses on Poets of Latin America, South Asia, and the Middle East.  Most recently, I have team-taught a bilingual (Spanish - English) course on the poetry of Pablo Neruda, and a workshop on translating from and to Spanish.  In early 2008, I was Thornton Writer in Residence at Lynchburg College, and Distinguished Northwest Poet at my alma mater, Seattle University.


Mania Klepto: the Book of Eulene - Summer 2011
WordTech Communications / Turning Point Books

Majestic Nights: Love Poems of Bengali Women  -  Summer 2008 <> <>

A Change of Maps - Spring 2006
Lost Horse Press, <>
Seasons of Mangoes and Brainfire - Fall 2005
Eastern Washington UP -  Now an imprint of Carnegie Mellon UP
Distributed by Cornell UP


Eric Goodman
313 Bachelor Hall
Oxford Campus
513 529 6509
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Nalin Asoka Jayasena
[log in to unmask]

Anita Mannur
[log in to unmask]

57-Year-Old Mom Looks 25
Mom Reveals $5 Wrinkle Trick That Has Angered Doctors!
 <> <>

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