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September 2014


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Baylie Cheslock <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Baylie Cheslock <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 9 Sep 2014 17:32:02 -0400
text/plain (1992 bytes) , KDPi 9814.pptx (2 MB)
Hi Everyone!

Thank you to everyone who came to the meeting last night!  If you were not at the meeting last night please take a close look at the powerpoint that I have attached.  

Please make note of the new way we will be keeping track of POINTS.  We will be using a Google Form: https://docs.google.com/a/miamioh.edu/forms/d/1_wHRz5gM4qnWxBkhR59Z_-gU3ncifI18vRKwBGfoQNs/viewform?c=0&w=1 

You will need to save this link because this is how you submit your points.  Jessica Ritenbaugh ([log in to unmask]) is taking care of points so if you have any questions, please email her.  With that being said, the only points you do not need to submit are ones that are documented elsewhere.  For example, attendance for meeting or signing up for sandy hormel on the google docs.  So, if you are a senior and are currently student teaching, you will need to submit your points in the google form.  If you have emailed me and told me that you are student teaching, you still need to submit your points to the google form.

It is not too late to sign up for the Sandy Hormel festivities!!  Sign up on the google docs: https://docs.google.com/a/miamioh.edu/spreadsheets/d/1zJIAlQECKU_m4Ug7L3XWmDoPx8d2vkCPekCT_Y6QjS8/edit#gid=0


If you HAVE signed up for the Book Discussions and have NOT picked up your book from me, PLEASE email me so I can get that to you.  You NEED to read the book before you go to the school and give the book discussion.  Once I receive the lesson plan for the book discussion, I will send it to you all.

If you have not signed up, please consider it!! This is one of the biggest events KDPi takes part in!  Middle school teachers and students are counting on us to help out with this event. :)

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Baylie Cheslock
Miami University | Early Childhood Education
Kappa Delta Pi | President 
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