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May 1996


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Alcohol and Temperance History Group <[log in to unmask]>
"j.s. blocker" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 27 May 1996 16:45:57 -0400
Alcohol and Temperance History Group <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (834 lines)
This conference contains some papers that may be of interest to alcohol
Jack Blocker
519-438-7224, ext. 249
History, Huron College
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 00:02:52 -0500
From: Automatic digest processor <[log in to unmask]>
To: Recipients of H-URBAN digests <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: H-URBAN Digest - 23 May 1996 to 24 May 1996
There are 4 messages totalling 879 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
  1. Third International Conference on Urban History Program
  2. News: 1996 Summer Institute in Oral History
  3. Weekend off
  4. CFP: Civil War Symposium (xH-Civwar)
Date:    Fri, 24 May 1996 11:59:36 -0400
From:    Maureen Flanagan <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Third International Conference on Urban History Program
Posted by R.L. Weedon" <[log in to unmask]>
Ralph Weedon
Centre for Urban History
University of Leicester. UK.
             Cities in Eastern and Western Europe
             Central European University, Budapest
                     29th-31st August 1996
                   (Preliminary Final Programme)
 This   conference  of  the  European  Association  of   Urban
 Historians follows successful conferences in Amsterdam (1992)
 and  Strasbourg (1994). It is open to scholars interested  in
 all  aspects of the European city from the Early Modern time
 to the 20th century.
                             * * *
 29th Aug (Thursday)
 13.00-14.00   Meeting of the International Committee (CEU)
 14.00-15.30   Registration (CEU)
 16.00-17.00   Opening lecture (City Hall)
 17.00-17.30   Business meeting of the Association (City Hall)
 17.30-18.30   Reception (City Hall)
                  (all sessions at the CEU)
30th August  (Friday)
1. The social position of women in towns (1)
3. The European city and energy (1)
7. The topography of medieval towns
11. Agro-towns
1. The social position of women in towns (2)
3. The European city and energy (2)
9. Urban taxation in the middle ages
12. Urban crime
5. The urban neighbourhood (1)
4. Leisure and recreation (1)
10. Fortified and military towns
13. Cities of Central Europe
5. The urban neighbourhood (2)
4. Leisure and recreation (2)
16. Advertising and urban culture
19. Healthy cities
2. Foreigners and the town (1)
6. European small towns (1)
14. Public transport and urban space
17. Self-help and cooperative housing
2. Foreigners and the town (2)
6. European small towns (2)
15. Sanitary policy in the 19th and 20th centuries
18. Housing policy, 1900-39
20. Seaside towns
Concluding Lecture
16.00-18.00 Boat trip
                             * * *
                    Opening keynote lecture
                     29th Aug, 16.00-17.10
 Professor Heinz Schilling (Germany): Church and State in the
        European Town in the Early Modern Period
1. The social position of women in towns /M, EM, MOD/
    Organisers: Marjatta Hietala (Finland) and Lars Nilsson
                     30th Aug, 9.00-12.30
 Lise Collange (France): Aspects de la femme noble Venise
        la fine du XVe siecle et au debut du XVI siecle
 Katalin G. Szende (Hungary): The Other Half of the Town.
        Women in Private, Professional and Public Life in
        Towns of Late Medieval Western Hungary
 Hilde van Wijngaarden (The Netherlands): Poor families in
      the Town of Zwelle in the Seventeenth Century
 Gunther Hirschfelder (Germany): Alkohol an der Schwelle zum
      Industriezeitalter: Die Raume Aachen und Manchester 1700-
      1850 im Vergleich
 Rebecca Rogers (France): Professional Opportunities for
      Middle-Class Women in Paris: Lay Schoolmistresses from
 Andrea Petotilde; (Hungary): Social Position of Women in Hungarian
      Heavy Industrial Towns in the 1950s
 Susan Zimmerman (Hungary): Weibliche "Unsittlichkeit" und
      Kommunale Politik in Wien und Budapest: 1860er bis
      1920er Jahre
 Marjaana Niemi (United Kingdom): Hidden Agendas in Health
      Care. Women and Public Health in Birmingham and
      Gothenburg, 1900-1940.
 Irene Bandhauer-Schoffman (Austria): Women's Fight for Food:
      A gendered View of Hunger, Hoarding, and Blackmarketing
      in Vienna after WW II
 Caroline Varlet (France): Deux approches de la citadine:
      d'une representation de la modernite domestique aux
      temoignages d'un quotidien, Paris 1919-1939
            2. Foreigners and the town /M, EM, MOD/
     Organisers: Donatella Calabi (Italy) and Tamas Farago
                     31st Aug, 9.00-12.30
 Written contributions (10 minutes)
 Ennio Concina (Italy): The Venetians elsewhere: districts
      and architecture as foreigners in the Mediterranean
      during the Middle Age
 Heleny Porfyriou (Italy): The Greek Colonies in the Italien
      Cities, 15th-18th centuries
 Vanessa Harding (United Kingdom): Death and Discrimination:
      The Burial of Strangers in the Early Modern City
 Alex Cowan (United Kingdom): Foreigners in the Large Urban
      Centres of Early Modern Europe
 Dirk De Meyer (Belgium): La famille Santini, immigres
      italiens et architectes a Prague, XVIIe et debut XVIIIe
 Snejana Goryanova (Bulgaria): Le statut social et legislatif
      des etrangers dans les villes medievales Bulgares au
      XIII-XIV s.
 Antoniette Fauve-Chamoux (France): Rural Urban Migration in
      Eastern France at the End of the Ancien Regime
 Lien B. Luu (United Kingdom): Xenophobia in Early Modern
      London: An Economic, Social or Racial Problem?
 Oral presentations (5 minutes)
 Rosanna di Battista (Italy): The Sarrazin "Siedlung" and the
      Provenzal Colony of Lucera, 13th-14th centuries
 Zdenka Janekovic Romer (Croatia): Foreigners in Mediaeval
 Monica Visioli (Italy): The Jewish Communities in the Ducate
      of Milan, 15th-16th centuries
 Luisa Giordano (Italy): Foreigners in the Ducate of Milan,
 15th -16th centuries
 Rosa Tamborrino (Italy): L' "Inferno" dans la ville: les
      juifs a Boulogne, XV-XVI siecles
 Luda Klusakova (Czech Republic): Foreign Visitor and the
      Perception of Towns, 16th century: From Vienna to
      Constantinopole in the Unpublished Sketches of Melchior
 Charles Littleton (USA): The Congregation of the French
      Church of London and London Society, 1560-1600
 Barbara A. West (USA): Opening the Borders, Shutting the
      Gates: Foreigners in Szeged, Hungary
 Raingard Esser (United Kingdom): Dutch and Walloon Refugees
      in 16th and Early 17th Century Norwich
 Guy Saupin (France): Les etrangers a Nantes XV-XVIII s.
 Haward Lupowitch (USA): Cholera and the Jews of Miskolc
 Katherine A. Lebow (USA): Foreign Travelers' Impression of
      Vienna: The Travel Literature of the Habsburg Empire,
 Judith Rainihorn (France): Les Italiens dans le quartier de
      la villette a Paris: XIX-XX s.
3. The European city and energy /EM, MOD/
              Organiser: Dieter Schott (Germany)
                       30th Aug, 9-12.30
 Joachim Radkau (Germany): The Riddle of Urban Food Supply in
      Pre-industrial Times
 Morris A. Pierce (USA): The Development of Large Heating
      Systems in European Cities from the Fourteenth Century
 Daniel Blouin (France): Energetic Alternatives and the
      Heating Issue in Paris, 1789-1940
 Bill Luckin (United Kingdom): Country, Town and Metropolis:
      The Formation of a "Smoke Problem" in London, 1800-1870
 Uwe Kuhl (Germany): _Anfange stadtischer Elektrifizierung in
      Deutschland und Frankreich
 Jean Lorcin (France): Le "Socialisme Municipal" et
      L'Electrification des Villes Francaises: Frein ou
      Accelerateur? Le Cas de Saint-Etienne
 Gerhard Melinz (Austria): Gas und Elektrizitat als Elemente
      stadtischer Leistungsverwaltung?
      Kommunalisierungsprozesse und strategien in Wien, Prag
      und Budapest im Kontext von politischen und okonomischen
      Interessen, 1860-1918
 Dieter Schott (Germany): Power for Industry: Electrification
      and its Strategic Use for Industrial Promotion. The Case
      of Mannheim
 Karmelita Lindemann (Germany): Mullverbrennung -- Energie
      fur die wachsenden Stadte_
 Marjolein't Hart (The Netherlands): The Oil Crisis of
      1973/74 in the Netherlands: Reactions and Adaptations in
      Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague
4. Leisure and recreation in the European city /EM, MOD/
           Organiser: Helen Meller (United Kingdom)
                     30th Aug, 14.00-17.30
 Opening session
 Tim Kirk and Jill Steward (United Kingdom): (half hour
      session) The Culture of Leisure and Entertainment in
      Late Imperial Austria:
      a) cinema in Cisleithania
      b) "Gruss aus Wien": the tourist industry in fin-de-
      siecle Vienna_
 Vivien Bickford-Smith (South Africa): Leisure and Social
      identity, Cape Town, 1838-1910
 Adelheid Soldern (Germany): Leisure and Cultural Change in
      Hanover during the 1920s
 Evelyne Cohen (France): Les loisirs et les divertissements &agrave;
      Paris entre 1919 et 1939
 Second session
 Bob Morris (United Kingdom): Leisure Entertainment and the
      Associational Culture of British Towns, 1800-1900
 Michele Dagenais (Canada): Some Reflections on the Political
      Dimensions of Leisure and Recreation in Canadian Cities
      at the Turn of the Century
 Irene Maver (United Kingdom): Glasgow's Public Parks and the
      Community: a Case Study of Scottish Municipal
      Interventionism, 1850-1914
 Denise Z. Davidson (USA): Who was Watching Whom? Leisure
      Activities in post Revolutionary Paris
 Isabel Rabault-Mazieres (France): Suburbia and Leisure: the
      Case of Paris Suburbs in the Nineteenth Century
5. The urban neighbourhood: myth and reality /EM, MOD/
  Organisers: Geoffrey Crossick (United Kingdom) and Pierre-
                     Yves Saunier (France)
                     30th Aug, 14.00-17.30
 Urszula Sowina (Poland): Le voisinage et l'infrastructure
      urbaine en Pologne aux XVe-XVIe siecles. Contribution
      aux etudes sur le role de l'eau dans l'espace de
 James R. Palmitessa (USA): Below the Imperial Castle:
      Material Culture and Neighbourhood Identity in Prague in
      the Age of Rudolf II
 Gabrielle Dorren (The Netherlands): Neighbourhood in
      Seventeenth-Century Haarlem
 Vanessa Harding (United Kingdom): Parish, Neighbourhood and
      Community in Early-Modern London
 David Garrioch (Australia): Sacred Neighbourhoods and
      Secular Neighbourhoods: Milan and Paris in the
      Eighteenth Century
 Josette Pontet (France): De la signification du "quartier"
      pour les citadins des 18e et 19e siecles: l'exemple des
      villes du Sud-Ouest atlantique
 Genevieve Massard-Guilbaud (France): _Quartier pense,
      quartier reel, quartier vecu: le Quartier de la Gare de
      Clermont-Ferrand, 1850-1914
 Hakan Forsell (Sweden): `The Black List': Neighbourhoods
      under Observation in Stockholm, 1887-1890'
 Wanda Kononowicz (Poland): The Longing for an Integrated
      Community: Examples of Urban Neighbourhood in Wroclaw
      (Breslau) and Lodz
 Jean-Pierre Gaudin (France): Quartier, zonage urbain et
      politiques de peuplement
6. European small towns /EM, MOD/
   Organisers: Finn-Einar Eliassen (Norway) and Holger Th. Graf
                     31st Aug, 9.00-12.30
 Paola Subacchi (Italy): Small Towns in Northern Italy, 1550-
 Herbert Knittler (Austria): Kleinstadte in Niederosterreich
        in der fruhen Neuzeit
 Carl Hoffmann (Germany): Integration in den
        fruhneuzeitlichen Staat und okonomischer
        Funktionsverlust -- Die altbayerischen Kleinstadte vom
        16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert
 Gabor Sonkoly (Hungary): Small Towns in Transylvania, 1750-
 Jorgen Mikkelsen (Denmark): Markets, Market Towns and Market
        Economy: The Case of Eastern Denmark at the End of the
        18th Century
 Jose Luis Hernanz Elvira (United Kingdom): Small Towns in
        the Hinterlands of European Capitals. Madrid and
        London: A Comparative Historical Research, 16th-20th
 Katrin Keller (Germany): "...das wir ieder zeith eine feine
        lateinische Schul haben". Zur Rolle von Schule und
        Bildung in sachsischen Kleinstadten des 17. und 18.
 Ralf Prove (Germany): Sozialgeschichte brandenburgischer
        Kleinstadte in der ersten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts
 Brian Graham (United Kingdom): Small Town Society in North-
        East Ireland, 1850-1930
                      SPECIALIST SESSIONS
7. The topography of medieval towns /M/
          Organiser: Terry R. Slater (United Kingdom)
                     30th Aug, 9.00-10.30
 Brian Graham (United Kingdom): The Morphology of Early
        Medieval Irish Towns
 Neven Budak (Croatia): Public and Private Space in Medieval
        Dalmatian Towns
 Rolf Hammel-Kiesow (Germany): The Process of Town Building
        in Medieval Times: Studies of the Three-Dimensional
        Reconstruction of Towns in N & NW Europe
 David Friedman (USA): Monumental Urban Form in the Late
        Italian Commune: the Loggia della Mercanzia in Bologna
        and Siena
 Manuel C. Teixera (Portugal): The Topography of 15th-century
        Macaronesian Portuguese Towns: the Medieval
8. Archaeology of the textile industry in medieval towns /M/
            Organiser: Elizabeth Heckett (Ireland)
 9. Urban taxation in the middle ages /M/
 Organisers: Denis Menjot (France) and Manuel Sanchez Martinez
                     30th Aug, 11.00-12.30
 Marc Boone (Belgium): Fiscalites urbaines en Flandre a la
        fin du Moyen Age
 Laurence Buchholzer (France): L'impot direct a Nuremberg
 Juan Carrasco (Spain): La fiscalite dans les villes
        navarraises au Moyen Age
 Mark Omrod (United Kingdom): La fiscalite dans les villes
        medievales anglaises
 Mireille Treyer-Lienard (Costa Rica): L'incidence de la
        fiscalite sur les finances de la ville de Namur
 10. Fortified and military towns /M, EM, MOD/
    Organisers: Bertil Andersson (Sweden) and Michael Reed
                       (United Kingdom)
                     30th Aug, 14.00-15.30
 Thomas Magnusson (Sweden): The Inhabitants of the Garrison
        Town of Gothenburg -- from where did They Come?
 Margarida H. la Feria Valla (Spain): Un debat militaire,
        politique, economique, social et urbanistique dans la
        France de la monarchie de Juillet: Fortifier Paris,
 Frederic Moret (France): Portuguese Fortified Towns of the
        Seventeenth Century
 Patrick Boucheron (France): Fortifications et reseaux de
        fortifications en Italie au Quattrocento: ville des
        ingenieurs ou cite des architectes?
 Elwin A. Koster (The Netherlands): The Practice and the
        Theory: the Planning of a Dutch Town in the Light of
        Ideas on Fortification
  11. Agro-towns /EM, MOD/
               Organiser: Gyula Benda (Hungary)
                     30th Aug, 9.00-10.30
 Rene Favier (France): Les petites villes du Dauphine et
        leurs terroirs aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles
 Markus A. Denzel (Germany): Stadt-Umland Beziehungen in
        Kurbaiern im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert
 Istvan Gyorgy Toth (Hungary): Multifunctional Market-town on
        the Border of Two Empires
 Bela Palmany (Hungary): Typology of the Hungarian
        Agricultural Towns, 18th-19th centuries
  12. Urban crime /EM, MOD/
             Organiser: Robert Muchembled (France)
                     30th Aug, 11.00-12.30
 Brigitte Rath (Austria): Urban Crime: Female and Male
        Criminality in an Austrian Town at the Beginning of
        the 16th Century
 M. Vrolijk (The Netherlands): Homicide in Amsterdam and the
        Progress of Legislative and Judicial Power of the
        Central Government in the 16th Century
 Inaki Bazan Diaz (Spain): Le controle du crime par les
        autorites municipales pendant la formation de l'Etat
        moderne: l'example du pays basque
 Catherine Clemens-Denys (France): Reformes policieres et
        cohesion sociale dans quelques villes du Nord de la
        France au milieu du XVIIIe siecle
 Sheila C. Oliver (United Kingdom): Urban Crime in Scotland
        during the 19th Century: a Comparative Study of
        Edinburgh and Glasgow
 Gary Baines (South Africa): Crime and Collective Violence:
        the Causes, Course and Consequences of the 1952 New
        Brighton Riots
13. Cities of Central Europe in the 19th century /MOD/
               Organiser: Jacek Purchla (Poland)
                     30th Aug, 14.00-15.30
 Cathleen M. Guistino (USA): The local Politics of Modern
        Urban Design in Prague 1900
 Gabor Czoch (Hungary): The Number of Inhabitants and Urban
        Identity: Changes in the Definition of the City in
        Hungary in the First Half of the 19th Century
 Gerhard Fehl (Germany): Planful versus Planless Urban
        Extensions of European Cities in the Formative Phase
        of the 19th Century: Comparing Different Modes of
        Urban Land Production
 Nihania Maria Agachi (Romania): Changes in Urban Structure
        of Cluj in the XIXth Century
 Liljana Marks (Croatia): Die Stadt Zagreb in der mumdlichlen
 Markus A. Denzel (Germany): Die Integration
        zentraleuropaischer Stadte in den internationalen
        Zahlungsverker, 18. Jahrhundert bis 1914
14. Public transport and urban space, 1890-1939 /MOD/
              Organiser: Elfi Bendikat (Germany)
                     31st Aug, 9.00-10.30
 Elfi Bendikat (Germany): Public Transport Policy in Berlin,
 Paolo Capuzzo (Italy): Mobility System and Urban Space:
        Vienna, 1865-1938
 Stefan Fisch (Germany): Stadtplanung und Nahverkehr,
        offentliche und private Interessen
 Nicolas Verdier (France): Mise en place d'un systeme de
        transport public: le cas des tramways du Havre 1890-
15. Sanitary policy in the 19th and 20th century /MOD/
    Organisers: Lion Murard and Patrick Zylberman (France)
                     31st Aug, 11.00-12.30
 Jean-Perre Goubert (France): Paris et le modele parisien de
      l'hygiene urbaine, 1830-1920
 Joel Outtes (United Kingdom): Representations of the Urban
      Environment in Late Nineteenth Century, Brazil and
 Andras Sipos (Hungary): Sanitary Reform, Environmental
      Management and Budgetary Policy in Budapest before 1920
 Lean Lorcin (France): _La prevention des epidemies a l'ere
      pre-pasteurienne, de l'"aerisme" a l'"hydrisme":
      l'exemple de la Societe de medecine de Saint-Etienne
 Susanna Magri (France): Logement insalubre et normes de
        construction dans la pensee des reformateurs francais
        au tournant du XXe siecle
  16. Advertising and urban culture /MOD/
            Organiser: Clemens Wischerman (Germany)
                     30th Aug, 16.00-17.30
 Clemens Wischermann (Germany): Introduction: The Place of
        Advertising in a History of Modern Times
 Natacha Coquery (France): La naissance de l'art publicitaire
        a Paris a la fin du XVIIIe siecle: la renommee des
        marchands de la cour
 Aaron Y. Segal (USA): Commercial Immanence: The Poster and
        Urban Tradition in France, 1875-1914
 Donald Weber (Belgium): Advertising Strategies in a local
        Belgian Town, 1900-1960
 Esther Cleven (The Netherlands): Modern und in Eile.
        Grosstadtische Werbebilder als Kulturtrager und als
        Mittel der Verhaltenssteuerung
 Daniel Szabo (Hungary): Buy Hungarian: Political Values in
        Commercial Advertising
 Verbal Presentations
 Elliott Shore (USA): The Intellectual Debate on Advertising
        in the Beginning of the 20th Century and the Case of
 Stefan Haas (Germany): Die Bedeutung mentaler
        Grosstadtmodelle fur die Entstehung der
 17. Self-help and cooperative housing /MOD/
              Organiser: Richard Harris (Canada)
                     31st Aug, 9.00-10.30
 Richard Harris (Canada): The Origins of Aided Self-Help
      Housing in Europe and America, 1919-1953
 Susan Henderson (USA): Ernst May and Self-Help Housing in
           Silesia, 1919-1925
 Tony Dingle (Australia): Self-Help and Coop Housing in
      Postwar Australia
 Rosemary Wakeman (USA): Reconstruction and the Self-Help
      Housing Movement: The French Experience, 1945-1954
 18. Housing policy in comparative perspective, 1900-39 /MOD/
            Organiser: Clemens Zimmermann (Germany)
                     31st Aug, 11.00-12.30
 Mats Deland (Sweden): Garden Suburbs as Disciplining of
        Space. The Swedish experience
 Tilmann Harlander (Germany): Notwohnen und Selbsthilfe in
        der Grosstadtperipherie der 20er und 30er Jahre.
        Europaische Beispiele
 Christine Mengin (France): Wohnungspolitik in Deutschland,
        Frankreich und Italien, 1900-1939
 Gunther Schulz (Germany): Wohnungspolitik in Deutschland und
        England, 1900-1939. Generalle Linien und ausgewahlte
 Manuel C. Teixera (Portugal): Housing Policy in Portugal,
19. Healthy cities: preventive medicine and medical care
           Organiser: John Welshman (United Kingdom)
                     30th Aug, 16.00-17.30
 Pim Kooij and Lydia Sapounakis Dracakis (The Netherlands):
        Urban Health Care in Greece and the Netherlands in
        the 19th Century
 Joel Outtes (United Kingdom): Hygienics: A Preliminary Way
        of Looking to the Cities, 1850-1906
 Gerhard Melinz (Austria): Preventive Medicine and Eugenics
        in Welfare Politicy: Myth, Counter Myth and Reality in
        "Red Vienna", 1918-1934
 Mhairi Dewar (United Kingdom): A Shadow Over the City:
        Tuberculosis in Glasgow, 1900-1957
 John Welshman (United Kingdom): Birth, Sickness and Death in
        the City: Public Health in Leicester, 1919-1974
 20. Seaside towns in the 19th and 20th centuries /MOD/
            Organiser: John Walton (United Kingdom)
                     31st Aug, 9.00-10.30
 Laura Chase (United Kingdom): The Beach Hut and the Pier:
        The Social Construction of Seaside Spaces at Clacton
        and Frinton during the Interwar Years
 Rosemary Wakeman and Ellen Furlough (USA): City of Pleasure:
        la Grande motte, Coastal Mass Tourism, and the French
 Nigel Morgan and Annette Pritchard (United Kingdom): Welsh
        Seaside Resorts since 1974: Creating a Climate of
 Mike Huggins (United Kingdom): Sport and the Seaside Resort
        in England and Wales
 Alastair J. Durie (United Kingdom): Scottish Seaside Towns
        in Peace and War, 1880-1950
                      Concluding lecture
                     31st Aug, 14.30-15.40
 Professor Penelope Corfield (United Kingdom): The European
      City at the Cross-roads [Change of speaker]
                             * * *
 The  programme  of  the  conference  is  now  finalised,  but
 sessions   are  open  for  discussion  to  all  participants.
 Registration  for  the  conference entitles  participants  to
 attend  all sessions, the two receptions, the boat  trip,  in
 addition  it  also covers copies of papers for two  sessions,
 and coffee/tea.
 For registration write at once with address and/or fax number
 to the co-ordinator of the organising committee:
 Laszlo Turi
 Department for Social and Economic History
 Eotvos Lorand University
 P.O. Box 107
 1364 Budapest
 Fax: +36 1 266-0076
 E-mail: [log in to unmask]
For more information contact:
Professor Peter Clark
Centre for Urban History
University of Leicester
108 Regent Road
Leicester. LE1-7LT.  UK.
Tel. 0116-2522378 FAX. 0116-2525062
E-mail. [log in to unmask]
Date:    Fri, 24 May 1996 12:00:41 -0400
From:    Maureen Flanagan <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: News: 1996 Summer Institute in Oral History
Posted by Mary Marshall Clark <[log in to unmask]>
The Columbia University Oral History Research Office will hold its annual
Summer Institute in Oral History from July 7 - July 19, 1996.  This two
week intensive session will feature seminars and presentations by leaders
in the field of oral history on contemporary debates in oral history
theory, method and applications as well as a two day workshop in sound
technology.  Advanced fieldwork seminars will be offered in interviewing
and community history.
Faculty for the Institute are:  Alessandro Portelli, Professor of
Literature at the Institute of Rome; Ronald J. Grele, Director, Columbia
University Oral History Research Office; Linda Shopes, Pennsylvania
Historical Commission; Mary Marshall Clark, Associate Director, Columbia
University Oral History Research Office; and, Charles Hardy III, Professor
of History at West Chester University.
Fees:  $800, for registration; $384 for university housing.
Application due date:  June 1, 1996
For application forms and Institute schedule, please contact Mary Marshall
Clark at:  [log in to unmask]; or, Ronald J. Grele at:  [log in to unmask]
Mailing address:
Oral History Research Office
Box 20, Butler Library
Columbia University
New York, New York 10027
ph. (212) 854-2273
fax.    (212) 854-5378