To Save Big on Your Long Distance Bill,
use prepaid phone cards.

Check out these rates:

    Domestic(48 states) 3.9 cents/minute
    Canada              6.2 cents/minute
    China              15.2 cents/minute
    China (cellular)   16.7 cents/minute
    Hong Kong           5.6 cents/minute
    Japan               8.5 cents/minute
    Korea (South)       8.5 cents/minute
    Taiwan (Taipei)     7.1 cents/minute
    Taiwan              9.2 cents/minute
    Taiwan (cellular)  13.7 cents/minute
    UK                  8.8 cents/minute
    France              8.8 cents/minute
    Germany             8.8 cents/minute
    Mexico             12.9 cents/minute
    Brazil             21.2 cents/minute
    Spain              11.7 cents/minute

    Toll Free Access
    No connection fee
    Get PIN online instantly.

 Call back to US from 94 countries
   => great for international travel

Visit the website for complete information.

Check out the Campus Rep Program as well
   -- Only ONE rep on each campus
   -- Great funding source for student organization
   -- or extra income for yourself