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From: Eric Harding <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: FW: What Blacks Need to Do!!
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 08:53:44 -0400
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>  -----Original Message-----
> From:     Nikki Thompson
> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 8:46 AM
> To:   Lisa Clarke; Tori Shannon; Tory Chappell; Tony Edwards; Levi Baker;
> Eric Harding; Usman Amir; 'Victoria Thomas'; 'Marvin Thompson Jr.';
> 'Damian Drafton'; 'Charles Johnson'
> Subject:  What Blacks Need to Do!!
> What Blacks Need to Do in 2000....By Tavis Smiley
> 1. Register to vote, or shut up!
> 2. Take all that money out of those stocking caps, tin cans, bed
> mattresses, floorboards and invest your money in something. For
> starters,invest in the food you eat and clothes you wear.
> 3. Learn another language, Ebonics does not count.
> 4. STOP USING THE "N" WORD IN THE YEAR 2000,especially since Merriam
> Webster has announced it isn't changing the definition.
> 5. Buy something each week from a black vendor.
> 6. Stop blaming white folk for 98% of your problems, while giving them
> 100% of your money.
> 7. Subscribe to Ebony, Jet, Black Enterprise and Essence. Then subscribe
> to one of the three weeklies: Time, Newsweek, or US
> News World Report. After we read about what's going on in our world
> know what's going on in theirs. It is after all, your world.
> 9. Be on time for something - anything!!
> 10. Get an annual checkup; herbs do not cure everything!
> 11. In all thy ways acknowledge Him (GOD) and He
> shall direct thy path. (And prioritize this as # 1)
> 12. Stop being jealous of one another, learn to look past the material
> things and see the person for who they are.
> 13. Say a prayer for someone besides yourself.
> 14. Get involved in at least one charitable or voluntary community
> service.
> 15. Hug your child/spouse/parent today.
> 17. Learn to Let Go and Let God
> 18. Stop talking about it, and be about it
> 19. Let GOD order your steps instead of the world
> 20. P.U.S.H.!! Pray Until Something Happens!
> 21. In all that you do get understanding.