The ATHG web page has not been updated for a long time.  Such as it is, the
page is at

At 08:27 PM 10/5/2000 -0400, lpletten wrote:
>Dear Alcohol and Temperance History Group,
><mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]:
>         Do you have a website? We're doing a combination of educational
> material providing, and activism, promoting 'temperance' by reference to
> medical data, and court precedents, primarily of the 19th century (giving
> the old perspective, buttressed by modern medical research, showing
> alcoholism to be primarily among tobacco users), at our
> <>
>- so are looking for additional resource material that may be useful for
>adding to/revising/correcting/improving our sites.  As this perspective
>(alcoholism as primarily a tobacco user behavior) is now generally
>disregarded, we want to be as correct as possible. 'People in glass houses
>can't throw stones,' i.e., err - we get enough flak already!  So
>improvements are always sought.
>         If you ahve a website with material pertinent to this, we'd love
> to know.

K. Austin Kerr
Professor of History, Ohio State University
Columbus Ohio 43210
voice: 614-292-2613
fax:    614-292-2282
e-mail: [log in to unmask]