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Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 08:39:17 -0500
From: "Jacque Frost" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: AIR Newcomer's Committee
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My name is Jacque Frost and I am the chair of the AIR Newcomer's Committee
for next year's AIR Forum.  I am contacting you as liaison for an AIR
affiliated association to solicit nominations for volunteers to serve on
the AIR Newcomer's Committee.  This committee is responsible for
organizing the newcomer's activities at the forum in Toronto.  We hope to
be able to come up some new and exciting ideas about how to make
newcomer's to AIR thoroughly enjoy their first AIR experience.

I'm hoping you can give me the names of one, two, or three individuals who
are outgoing and friendly, and who might enjoy participating on this
committee.  It's a great opportunity to meet new colleagues, and interact
with current members through the committee's work.  (These folks should be
planning to attend the forum.)  If you know of any such individuals,
please send me their names, e-mail addresses, and institution name and
location (preferably by July 9th).

Thank you in advance for your assistance as we prepare for a terrific
forum next June in Toronto.

Jacque Frost, Associate Director
Office of Budget & Fiscal Planning
Purdue University
1076 Freehafer Hall
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1076
(765) 494-7126
(765) 494-7125 (fax)
[log in to unmask]

Content-Type: TEXT/x-cdsi-msrtf; CHARSET=US-ASCII
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Content-Language: en-USA

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\uc1\pard\plain\deftab360 \f0\fs20 Greetings,\par
My name is Jacque Frost and I am the chair of the AIR Newcomer's Committee for next year's AIR Forum.  I am contacting you as liaison for an AIR affiliated association to solicit nominations for volunteers to serve on the AIR Newcomer's Committee.  This committee is responsible for organizing the newcomer's activities at the forum in Toronto.  We hope to be able to come up some new and exciting ideas about how to make newcomer's to AIR thoroughly enjoy their first AIR experience.  \par
I'm hoping you can give me the names of one, two, or three individuals who are outgoing and friendly, and who might enjoy participating on this committee.  It's a great opportunity to meet new colleagues, and interact with current members through the committee's work.  (These folks should be planning to attend the forum.)  If you know of any such individuals, please send me their names, e-mail addresses, and institution name and location (preferably by July 9th).\par
Thank you in advance for your assistance as we prepare for a terrific forum next June in Toronto.\par
Jacque Frost, Associate Director\par
Office of Budget & Fiscal Planning\par
Purdue University\par
1076 Freehafer Hall\par
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1076\par
(765) 494-7126\par
(765) 494-7125 (fax) \par
[log in to unmask]\par