Hi Folks,

The message below is from a dear colleague.  She'd like to fill the seats
tonight and show the diversity of the art loving community.  Take a break
from the computer and the TV and meet a truly great artist and decent human
being.  I interviewed Thom Shaw for a nation printmaking journal last year,
he was personable and a delight to talk with.  He has an international
reputation as an artist and arts advocate.  Thom sets on the committee for
the development of the new Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati, Ohio and
exhibits and lectures widely.

I hope to see you there...HAVE A GREAT DAY!


>From: Mary Glasmeier <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Diana Battle <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Artist Presentation
>Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 15:23:04 -0700 (PDT)

>Dear Friends,
>I would love to see you at Thom Shaw's talk Thursday evening.  Thom is a
>fascinating speaker and artist!  He was influenced by the German
>expressionists who portrayed the social ills of their time.  This body of
>work reflects his shock at the violence he witnessed within the
>African-American community, and thus the Malcolm X paradox.  The remainder
>of his work reflects issues in his personal life.  You will find him to be
>a delightful speaker and his work to be quite impressive.
>See you there! (If you need directions, call me at 513/863-1864 or the park
>office at 513/868-8336.)
>Thom Shaw
>Printmaker & Painter
>is appearing at
>Pyramid Hill Pavilion
>7:00 pm, Thurs., Jun. 28
>in conjunction with his show
>"Inner Sanctums, Urban Medals,
>& Other Short Subjects"
>which opened at the Weston Gallery on June 20.
>P.S. The pavilion is air conditioned!
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