I have it in line right after my wine book :"Visions on Wine" to be released
next year. Such is the interest in the topic and the detail involved an
agent and distributor are already lined up, which suprises me.Those
newsletters from my wine classes have certainly galvanized support.
The project titled  "The Social History of American Whisky."
has taken over four years to plan visiting numerous areas of the country to
get a feel for this country's history.
Writing is expected to start in the fall of 2003, along with a lot of my own
money to help finance the research needed to be authentic.
Thank you for asking.
Martin Platts h.c.i.m.a.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Fahey" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 10:12 AM
Subject: Louisville distillery history project

> Several years ago I heard of a distillery history project at the
> of Louisville.  What has become of it?