Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to remind you all to check to make sure that you are replying to "individuals" as opposed to sending out your message to "everyone" on the listserv.  I am guilty of sending out a message to everyone on the listserv that I only intended for one person to receive.  Sorry!  I realized that when you hit reply, the message is sent to everyone, not just the person who sent out a message via the listserv.

I apologize to everyone who has been in conversations and have no idea what is going on!

We are all learning together right?!:)

Take care!

Anita :)

Anita L. Triggs
Graduate Assistant for
Minority Recruitment and Retention
The Graduate School
Bonham House 203A
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio 45056
513.529.4127 Fax
"Power is the ability to achieve purpose"
~Martin L. King, Jr.

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