This is lengthy, but definitely worth your attention!

Anita :)

Anita L. Triggs
Graduate Assistant for
Minority Recruitment and Retention
The Graduate School
Bonham House 203A
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio 45056
513.529.4127 Fax
"Power is the ability to achieve purpose"
~Martin L. King, Jr.
----Original Message Follows----
From: Temiquel Guadalupe <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Victory in Affirmative Action Cases is Imperative
Date: 6 Sep 2001 10:41:21 -0700
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Subject: Fwd: Victory in Affirmative Action Cases is Imperative
To: Temiquel Guadalupe <[log in to unmask]>
From: "RICKEY L. HALL" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 09:04:08 -0500
>Importance: Normal
>On Tuesday, October 23, in Cincinnati, Ohio, arguments will be
>heard in the federal Sixth Circuit Court appeal of the two
>University of Michigan affirmative action cases. These cases are
>our generation's Brown v. Board of Education. At stake is all we
>have achieved in the way of integration in higher education since
>the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.
>You must have YOUR VOICE heard in Cincinnati on October 23. Every
>college, university, high school, community college, every city
>and every town must have its voice heard by the judges who will
>decide this historic case. They must know that the people of this
>country will not go back to segregation in higher education. A
>national mass petition campaign is under way to bring your voice
>to the federal judges who will decide whether or not to ban
>affirmative action.
>We need every supporter of integration, equality and affirmative
>action to circulate this petition. We need thousands of petitions
>from every state to make clear to the court that people are
>standing up across the country. The Petition in Support of the
>University of Michigan Affirmative Action Cases has already
>collected thousands of signatures. Detroit high school students
>collected over a thousand signatures in a few hours at the Labor
>Day Parade. We need it to be circulated in hardcopy and over
>email. We want to collect many tens of thousands more signatures
>by October 23. This is our central method of registering broad
>social support for integration in higher education and for the
>maintenance of affirmative action programs. Everyone's voice must
>be heard in that courtroom on October 23.
>There will be a mass rally at the federal court building on the
>day of the hearing. Having many thousands of people present
>standing up for integration, justice and equality is essential.
>Already students from dozens of campuses across the country from
>Boston to Berkeley to Atlanta are preparing to be present. The
>Reverend Jesse Jackson will speak at the rally at the federal
>courthouse in Cincinnati. National organizations including labor
>unions and civil rights groups are mobilizing their membership
>for this historic fight.
>It is imperative that we win these cases at the Appeals Court
>level. A defeat on October 23 will mean ALL colleges and
>universities throughout Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan
>are IMMEDIATELY BANNED from using affirmative action. Affirmative
>action plans are the only effective desegregation programs for
>higher education. Integration and equality in education is a
>precondition for democracy and justice. These two University of
>Michigan cases are very likely to go to the US Supreme Court and
>determine the legality of affirmative action in higher education
>across the country.
>We CAN WIN this critical fight.
>The new civil rights movement that has emerged in response to the
>attack on affirmative action has changed the national political
>climate on this question.
>On May 16, 2001 the new civil rights and student movement in
>California forced the University of California regents
>unanimously to reverse the ban on affirmative action in the UC
>system, thereby defeating the attack that initiated the national
>assault on affirmative action of the last six years. The 7,000
>college and high school youth that mobilized at UC Berkeley on
>March 8 of this year played a decisive role in compelling the UC
>regents' to reverse the ban.
>The recent surprise decision by the Bush administration to
>intervene in favor of affirmative action in, Adarand, the federal
>contracting case about to come before the US Supreme Court, is a
>remarkable testament to the change in climate brought about by
>the new civil rights struggles.
>We must now make the federal courts accountable to the people. We
>must make clear to them that resegregating higher education will
>not be accepted-that the condition whereby black, Latina/o and
>Native American people are marginalized and relegated to inferior
>education will no longer be tolerated. We can convince them to
>rule for justice and integration by using the same persistent
>methods of mass organizing and mass struggle that secured the
>historic victory in California. The mass petition campaign must
>be stepped-up. We must mobilize thousands for October 23.
>The tide is turning in our favor, but the question is very far
>from settled.
>We need YOU to ACT. We need you to circulate the Petition in
>Support of the University of Michigan Affirmative Action Cases.
>(Available as a printable file at We
>need you to mobilize people from your school and community for
>the rally in Cincinnati on October 23.
>Please get in touch with us. Please forward this email.
>Now is the time to stand up and be counted.
>-Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action & Integration
> and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)
> [log in to unmask]
>The outcome of the two Supreme Court-bound University of Michigan
>affirmative action cases will determine whether our society moves
>forward towards greater equality or backwards to resegregation
>and greater inequality. Affirmative action plans are
>desegregation programs for higher education. They are the only
>successful method for integrating all of this nation's
>* Support the right of the University of Michigan and every
>university to maintain and utilize affirmative action programs;
>* Stand on the two fundamental premises of Brown vs. Board of
>Education, first that separate can never be equal and second,
>that integration is necessary for democracy, justice and
>*Pledge to open the doors of higher education to all.
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