Dear Anita,

How are you?  I had a few questions in terms of upcoming events for the
Has the lodge already been reserved this year for thanksgiving?  If not I
will do it, I was thinking we could send out an e-mail to get everyone's
input on the date (or do you think we should wait until the next meeting?)

Also, I was going to start calling around to see if I could line up some
speakers for financial planning, debt consolidation, home buying and
everything else.The black achievers program is kicking off this week, our
first meeting is on Thursday and I will propose the idea of shadowing to the
group, from there I figured we could discuss it with the rest of the members
from GSCA.  Let me know what you think if we should vote at the next meeting
or if we should send out an e-mail asking for feedback.

Hope you are well,


>From: Anita Triggs <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Graduate Students of Color Association <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Victory in Affirmative Action Cases is Imperative
>Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2001 16:46:02 -0400
><< cincinnati-petition.doc >>

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