Hello GSCA folks,

I am doing some research in preparation for a writing project on graduate
and professional education, student empowerment and professional development
in higher education.  I am hoping that a few of you would be willing to
start a dialogue with me to get the writing juices flowing for the project.
Please read the outline that appears below. It is an ideal foundation for a
good graduate program, no matter the discipline. After you've read the
outline, please reflect on the outline and answer the following question:
Are you experiencing any of the points outlined below. If yes, explain how
the particular point takes form in your program. If no, please explain what
you would like to see?

For a good graduate program to truly be beneficial to a student  I believe
it should address the following points (this is not a definitive list, but
is a good place to start the dialogue. Add your thoughts at the end of the
post if you reply):

- Professional development for the graduate and professional student
that addresses career development inside and outside the academy;
assistance with extending or developing ones publishing and
presentation skills; good mentoring and advisement (and tutelage on
how a student can do the same for their peers and students)

- A multicultural curriculum and faculty.  A graduate program should
reflect the economic , social  and/or global reality of the community of
learners it serves in its curricular content and the faculty that
disseminates said material.  The western discourse is valid , yet faulty in
many respects and does not really take into account any other world cultures
except those it benefited from ...I am being nice here.

- An atmosphere where a diversity of intellectual engagement occurs
regularly and is encouraged.

- An atmosphere where the graduate and professional students are
treated as respected members of their programs and respective field of
study; Afforded professional courtesy; Humane treatment and collegial

- The program would provide and encourage collaborative opportunities
for graduate and professional students to work with their student, faculty
and staff colleagues.

- The program can not make the student a professional, but works to
teach the student the best practices for the field in an effort to promote
and nurture professionalism.

- The faculty and staff will not adhere to prehistoric or new age
hierarchical standards of being mean, nasty and/or bereft of human
decency when it comes to their graduate and professional student
colleagues.  The continuance of hazing-like behaviors that manifest in
the form of giving crap work, working them beyond the required hours
of their assistantship contract, or treating them as subordinates and/or
poorly simply because they are professionals in training is inappropriate
and must be stopped.  The usual excuse: "It was done to me and I made it
..." is a poor excuse for diminishing a persons spirit and resolve as they
train to be a contributor to a field.  What good is the person if they lack
self-esteem and confidence?  How can that person be an exemplar in their
field if their spirit is crushed or if they are only prepared to replicate
mediocrity and fear?'

I can go on, but I think you get the picture.  It does not matter what
classes or technology is offered/used in a program if an infrastructure does
not exist that celebrates the students uniqueness,their potential as a human
being and their contributions to a field of study or

I look forward to dialoguing with my colleagues and I wish you all patience,
good health and luck as you work towards the last month or so of the term.

              Peace and Prosperity,
              Yolanda R. Brown C2001


To decide to live at the level of choice is to take responsibility
and be in control of your life.                         Arbie M. Dale

“Self worth cannot be verified by others. You are a worthy person because
you say it is so. If you depend on others for your
  value it is other-worth.” Wayne Dyer-Your Erroneous Zones

Be prepared, curious and vigilant!                      Yolanda R. Brown

Be the change you wish to see in the world.      Mahatma Gandhi

Vision looks inward and becomes duty.
Vision looks outward and becomes aspiration.
Vision looks upward and becomes faith.          Author unknown

Conventional education makes independent thinking extremely difficult.
Conformity leads to mediocrity. To be different from the group or to resist
environment is not easy and is often risky as long as we worship success.
The urge to be successful, which is the pursuit of reward
whether in the material or in the so-called spiritual sphere, the search for
inward or outward security, the desire for comfort--this whole process
smothers discontent, puts an end to spontaneity and breeds fear; and fear
blocks the intelligent understanding of life.

                                                                        J. Krishnamurti
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