For those of you attending the NCTE convention in Baltimore in a
couple of weeks, ATEG will be holding two sessions.

     "Recreating Grammar in the Language Arts Curriculum: A
Proposal-in-Progress from ATEG" takes place on Friday, Nov. 16 at 12:30; I,
Rebecca Wheeler, and Martha Kolln will present highlights from ATEG's
document of grammar recommendations and will ask for responses and
suggestions from the teachers.

      "Grammar in the Language Arts Classroom" will meet on Saturday at 5:15
pm; the same trio will present some of the same material in a more open
forum for discussion about grammar.

       Teachers visiting the Holt, Rinehart, Winston book booth will find an
ATEG grammar questionaire and a number of doorprizes offered as an incentive
for filling it out.  ATEG and Holt will be sharing the information from the

        I hope to see some ATEGers in Baltimore!

Brock Haussamen
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