John C. Burnham has written the following obituary.  Both John and I knew
Professor Clark, who was an accomplished scholar and intellectual.

Norman H. Clark, an outstanding social historian, died on 9 February 2004
in LaConner WA.  He was the author of Deliver Us from Evil:  An
Interpretation of American Prohibition (1976), still the best general book
on American Prohibition.  He established his reputation with a classic, The
Dry Years:  Prohibition and Social Change in Washington (1965, 2nd ed.
1988), in which he pioneered in showing that Prohibition was not an
aberration.  He was born in Mesa AZ on 10 May 1925.  He held a bachelors
degree from Southern Methodist University and a Ph.D. from the University
of Washington.  He taught for many years at Everett Community College and
served as president of that institution.  He retired from the faculty in 1985.