Thank you to all who answered this thread. All the comments were very

The teacher who pointed it out to me was quite clear on her judgement that
this student had a big problem with fragments. There were no other fragments
in the essay, and I was puzzledAby her reaction and  then wondered how to
explain the problem to the student.

My class is seeing a lot of examples of fragments (as rhetorical devices) in
professional wriiting in the text we use. So, this is a good lesson on
different contexts. My student's fragment produced negativity from a teacher
judging her on a practice "exit exam" for English 111, but  the same
fragment would be accepted elsewhere.


Christine Reintjes Martin
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>From: Bruce Despain <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: This seems like a fragment
>Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 16:39:52 -0700
>I'll vote for this fix!  This is how we handled such fragments in high
>school in
>the 1950's.  You will probably remember my complaint a few weeks ago about
>fragments in the Harry Potter series.  Perhaps the idea of punctuating them
>sentences has been a long time coming.   It doesn't mean we have to agree
>it, though -- I hope.

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