After being totally frustrated trying to create RK diagrams on the computer
during the last few years I was teaching, I tried illustrating sentence
patterns by color-coding the parts of speech. This system does require some
patience also, but it is far more user friendly and neatness is not a
Color coding also gives one the option of illustrating the sentence on
different levels--on a word-for-word basis or simply as phrases and
clauses. Students took to the system readily enough and seemed to "see" the
sentence structure better this way. It probably lacks some of the fineses
of the traditional diagrams, but it worked well for me with high school
students. It is also a lot easier to correct than a page full of diagrams.

This e-mail won't take any colors or tables or I would offer you a sample.
It is, however, a simple concept. I used red for verbs, blue for nouns,
green for adjectives, etc.

Elizabeth Ward

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