1.      Thanks so much for posting my article on Christian Endeavor. The
copy I sent was chopped up in transmission, but it gets the points across.
2.      I'd like to launch an appeal here for information on Christian
Endeavor and Temperance and also on any
      real scholarly commentaries on the society, comparable perhaps to
Clark's History of the Oxford Group       and those on the Washingtonians.
3.      Richard K. and I devoting a great deal of time to the Christian
Endeavor research because it is so much more relevant to the early A.A.
program as it reached Akron from Dr. Bob's youth. When the last bell tolls,
historians will wake up to the fact that there are two A.A. histories - the
history of the early program in Akron which took its ideas from the Bible
and its simple practices from those used by Christian Endeavor and so
familiar to Dr. Bob; the history of the Big Book program Bill Wilson
fashioned on his own in 1938 based largely on the teachings of Rev. Sam
4.      Christian Endeavor had all the "warts" that Bill condemned in the
Oxford Group and in the Washingtonians. The primary distinguishing factors
included decisions for Christ, reliance on the Creator, Bible as source and
for study, prayer meetings, and the "Quiet Hour."
Any commentaries or suggestions are welcome. We found so many problems in
the new materials on
Rowland Hazard that this Akron/CE emphasis is particularly topical.
Respectfully, Dick B., Kihei, Maui, Hawaii ([log in to unmask]).