Thanks for reminding me about that -- I knew it was
forthcoming as he refers to it in another recent work
of his, on smoking (or really whether soldiers served
as role models for 17th c. 'teenagers'), which
incidentally also has some interesting bits on

B. Roberts, Rokende Soldaten: Mannelijke rolmoddellen
voor de jeugd in de vroege zeventiende eeuw?, in: L.F.
Groenendijk & B. Roberts (eds.), "Losbandige Jeugd:
Jongeren en Moraal in de Nederlanden tijdens de late
Middeleeuwen en de Vroegmoderne Tijd" (Hilversum,
2004), pp. 53-71.

The lack of response to my question has affirmed what
I've suspected all along, viz. that there is very
little work done on this topic (as revealed by my
searches in the catalogues of the Royal Library, The
Hague, which yielded almost nothing) by Dutch
historians. Very odd, indeed, is it not? I wonder why.

Thanks a lot,
Gerald Groenewald

--- Ann Tlusty <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Have you seen the recent article by Benjamin
> Roberts? -- "Drinking Like a Man:
> the Paradox of Excessive Drinking for
> Seventeenth-Century Dutch Youths",
> Journal of Family History 2004 29: 237-252 (July
> 2004).

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