95% of computers with an internet connection are now infected – most of the time, without your knowledge! Popups, commercial websites and music software like KazAa are massively installing malicious spying software.

What is Spyware?: Spyware, much like a virus, is a malicious software planted on your computer by marketing companies. It is designed to monitor your Internet activities, collect your personal information and can even reach sensitive data like your private passwords, emails and credit card details .

Even more, anti-virus programs cannot detect spyware!

Click here for a free scan to see how many Spyware agents are watching you right now!

Tech Specialist Aurelio Youngblood
Box 40937 - Bedford, Nova Scotia - Canada, B4A 3Z2
US ID No. 40923-91

Future Options: http://XhORjds.antispywaregalaxy.com/discon/

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