David and others, the Chronicle has a half page article in which they lead with a brief interview with Richard W. Unger, author of
Beer in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (U of Penn) and moves on to briefly discuss two other intoxicants, tequila and absinthe.  Ana G. Valenzuela-Zapata and Gary Paul Nabhan wrote Tequila: A Natural and Cultural History (U of Ariz) is mentioned as are The Book of Absinthe: A cultural History by Phil Baker (Grove) and Hideous Absinthe: A History of Devil in the Bottle by Jad Adams (U of Wis.).  cheers, Jim
James R. McIntosh
Professor & Chair
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Lehigh University
681 Taylor Street
Tel. 610 758 3809
Fax: 610 758 6552