Here is a more-or-less arbitrary sampling from the Oxford Dictionary of
National Biography (2004):

Lilian Lewis Shiman

*Mary Elizabeth Docwra (1847-1914)
*Jane M. Aukland (1836-ca. 1901)
*Florence Balgarnie (1856-1928)
*Elizabeth Anne Lewis (1843-1924)

Ian R. Tyrrell

*Lady Isabella Caroline Somerset [Lady Henry Somerset] (1851-1921)
*Margaret Bright Lucas (1818-1898)

Margaret Barrow
*Julia Bainbrigge Wightman (1817-1898)

Pamela J. Walker
*Catherine Booth (1829-1890)

Martin Pugh
*Nancy Witcher Astor [Viscountess Astor] (1879-1964)

Kristin G. Doern
*Clara Lucas Balfour (1808-1878)

David M. Fahey
*Rosalind Frances Howard [Lady Carlisle] (1845-1921)
*Catherine Impey (1847-1923)