Hi, everyone --

I graduated from Miami in 2003, and I'm writing about an opening in
Connersville, IN, about 25 miles west of Oxford, for a reporter and possible
page editor and proofreader.

The paper, the Connersville News-Examiner, is a six-day daily with a
circulation of about 8,000.  I've worked here for the last year, and have
loved every minute of it, but my boyfriend lives in Tennessee so it's time
for me to move on. Another reporter, Karen Puckett, also graduated from
Miami in 2003.  She'll be here for another month or so, but there may be an
opening for her position as well later this winter. Karen found me for the
job by writing to the listserv, and though it was kind of a leap of faith
for me to give it a try, it's been an amazing experience.

My job includes covering a county beat -- schools, government, crime and
feature stories, as well as anything else that comes up.  I also edit and
produce content for a weekly business page, which the publisher and I
developed together in March, and proofread the paper right before it goes to
press every morning.  My replacement will take on a county beat, and
whatever else he or she wants; I have an economics degree and ambitions of
becoming an editor, so I naturally took on the responsibilities that I did.
We need someone immediately to cover Union County, which is right over the
state line from Oxford, so it might be a good match for a student looking
for a part-time job or internship this semester.

Connersville is a small town and the pay isn't great, but I have to say that
Karen and I have both loved working here.  The staff at the paper is
terrific, and the editors have improved my writing while giving me the
freedom to refine my own voice. Karen started out after college working at
the Palladium-Idem in Richmond, and has said repeatedly that she prefers
this experience as a first job after college to that one.  There's no way we
would have gotten to take on as much as we have this year at a larger paper.

If you think you might be interested, write me back ([log in to unmask])
or give me a call for more details -- my cell phone number is 615-604-7955.

Amy Griffith

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