
Bannaght lhiat
The war existing between the senses and reason.

Disciples be damned. It's not interesting. It's only the masters that matter. Those who create. Fear always springs from ignorance.

When an individual is kept in a situation of inferiority, the fact is that he does become inferior.
Happiness is the only sanction of life where happiness fails, existence remains a mad and lamentable experience.
The humble are in danger when those in power disagree.
I find I journalize too tediously. Let me try to abbreviate.

The head learns new things, but the heart forever practices old experiences.

Everyone is more or less mad on one point.Hate is such a luxurious emotion, it can only be spent on one we love.Viewing the child solely as an immature person is a way of escaping comforting him.
The greatest need of every human being is the need for appreciation.

Death twitches my ear. ''Live,'' he says, ''I am coming.''
Man's real life is happy, chiefly because he is ever expecting that it soon will be so.Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.

The abominable effort to take one's sins with one to paradise.

When the danger is past God is cheated.The lazier a man is, the more he plans to do tomorrow.stifle