Well I never did!



Simplicity of all things is the hardest to be copy.

Once, during Prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water.

I have tried to know absolutely nothing about a great many things, and I have succeeded fairly well.

Rejoice in the Lord always again I will say, rejoice! [Philippians 4:4]

A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.
The very act of believing creates strength of its own.

Abuse if you slight it, will gradually die away but if you show yourself irritated, you will be thought to have deserved it.
Life is an exciting business, and most exciting when it is lived for others
Die? I should say not, dear fellow. No Barrymore would allow such a conventional thing to happen to him. The fruit derived from labor is the sweetest of all pleasures.The sound of laughter is like the vaulted dome of a temple of happiness.
On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one's mind. It becomes a pleasure.Inner work is finding joy in work. Our real work is heart work and soul work.

Her name was called Lady Helena Herring and her age was 25 and she mated well with the earl.

No one who lives in error is free.
You don't save a pitcher for tomorrow. Tomorrow, it may rain. We're all in this alone. A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.