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Nipa ia
I am persuaded that every time a man smiles, but much more so when he laughs, it adds something to this fragment of life. That's the penalty we have to pay for our acts of foolishness -- someone else always suffers for them.
Applause is a receipt, not a bill.

Interdependency follows independence.Easy DOESN'T do it.
When an idea reaches critical mass there is no stopping the shift its presence will induce.

Anger cannot be dishonest.

There is only one way left to escape the alienation of present day society: to retreat ahead of it.

For the dead there are no more toils.

He had a wonderful talent for packing thought close, and rendering it portable.
Every law is an infraction of liberty.

Fame is the thirst of youth.

When a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things. Define the moment, or let the moment define you.

A fellow who is always declaring that he's no fool, usually has his suspicions.
Although Golf was originally restricted to wealthy Protestants, today its open to anybody who owns hideous clothing.

Love in marriage should be the accomplishment of a beautiful dream, and not, as it too often is, the end.

Difficulties increase the nearer we approach the goal.The minute you start talking about what your going to do if you lose, you have lost.