Hello, chief :)



Love cures people -- both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.

There is no education like adversity. A loafer always has the correct time.
He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance one cannot fly into flying.To read too many books is harmful. It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted.

Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information.

Knowledge is gained by learning trust by doubt skill by practice love by love.

Sometimes one likes foolish people for their folly, better than wise people for their wisdom.

We lose the right of complaining sometimes, by denying something, but this often triples its force. Empires built on force will always be destroyed. Those built on trust in Christ will remain.
He is every other inch a gentleman.

All limits are self imposed.

The lord will not hold back the promises, even if the person who makes them is not worthy.

There are four things every person has more of than they know sins, debt, years, and foes.
It opens the lungs, washes the countenance, exercises the eyes, and softens down the temper so cry away. Hope of ill gain is the beginning of loss.
I'm not into working out. My philosophy: No pain, no pain.