Thanks very much for this!  Alas, I do not know who thank since there is no name.
Sincerely, Prof. Haine

Came across this article from the New York Times.  Almost forgot if I was checking the news or doing research.

THE USE OF STIMULANTS BY ATHLETES:Drugs Designed for This Purpose Not Favored.
From The Medical Record..  New York Times (1857-Current file) New York, N.Y.:Dec 1, 1895.  p. 16 (1 pp.)
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Abstract (Document Summary)
The alert mind of the modern drug manufacturer has not failed to take note of the extraordinary interest and widespread indulgence in athletics and sports of every kind. The bicycle, field and track athletics, football, golf -- all these things have increased enormously the number of contests in which the person who has the greatest physical vigor and endurance wins.  It has occurred naturally to the pharmaceutist, therefore, that some substance which would make the competitor in athletic sports keep his wind and his strength a little longer would be eagerly seized upon.  We hear already of bicyclists who use various coca and kola compounds in order to help them in their work.  It is even rumored that preparations of cocaine are consumed to some extent.
We feel sure that all true atheletes would disdain any such injurious and adventitious aids, but there is a vast number of persons who take such things thoughtlessly and injury is done thereby.  The announcements which are made in advertisements of various stimulants, in which it is claimed that they save the strength and promote the endurance of bicyclers and atheletes generally are very much to be deprecated.  There are no drugs which will help one to win a game that could not be won without them, and the general effect of drug taking, and especially of the use of drugs belonging to the caffein and cocaine class. is distinctly bad.  We believe that the medical profession ought seriously to warn those with whom they come in contact professionally against the use of such things.