Good day

Our mission is to give you name-brand software at prices you want.
Don't you know that all of your friends are already using OEM Software?
You don't need to pay for box and manual, just for software.
Visit our new OEM Software STOCK Store.

Todays Stock offers:
        Microsoft Windows XP Pro +
        Microsoft Office XP Pro
        OUR PRICE:$89.95

        Adobe Photoshop 7 +
        Adobe Premiere 7 +
        Adobe Illustrator 10
        OUR PRICE:$129.95

        Windows XP Professional With SP2 Full Version +
        Office 2003 Professional (1 CD Edition)
        OUR PRICE:$99.95

        Macromedia Dreamwaver MX 2004 + Flash MX 2004
        OUR PRICE:$109.95

        Adobe Photoshop CS with ImageReady CS
        OUR PRICE:$99.95

        Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional
        OUR PRICE:$79.95
... and much much more.

Just visit our NEW OEM Software stock shop and save upto 80%
Click here to visit:

Have a nice day!