For a sociological discussion of marijuana users' perceptions of the  concept 
of 420, see Karen Bettez Halnon, "The Power of 420" in James A. Inciardi  and 
Karen McElrath (eds.) The American Drug Scene, Fourth Edition (Los  Angeles: 
From the introduction: "Although it has various meanings for users, Halnon  
suggests that the phrase offers a collective identity for users ... although 
she  concludes that its origins are unclear, she notes that 420 has important  
symbolic meaning for users, many of whom incorporate 'cherished rituals' in 
drug  use lifestyles."
The article was reprinted from High Times magazine (vol. 333, May  3, 2003), 
the monthly Bible for pot smokers. Ask your students about it.

Jennifer  Syvertsen
Research Associate
Center for Drug and Alcohol  Studies
University of Delaware
2100 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite  1180
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Phone: 305-529-1911
Fax:  305-529-2501