Hello grandmas cutie pie People who think they're generous to a fault usually think that's their only fault.,
Leadership is action, not position.,

A bachelor is souvenir of some woman who found a better one at the last minute.,
Male supremacy is fused into the language, so that every sentence both heralds and affirms it.,

Drink! for you know not whence you came nor why: drink! for you know not why you go



Kurtemtka If our life is unhappy it is painful to bear if it is happy it is horrible to lose, So the one is pretty equal to the other.,

The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax,

Action expresses priorities.,
Learning without thought is labor lost.,

Two dogs strive for a bone and the third one runs off with it.,

The best way out of a difficulty is through it.,

The art of letters will come to an end before A.D. 2000. I shall survive as a curiosity.,

I would ask of the Lord God only this; that, as in the past, so in the years to come, He would give his blessing to our work and our action, to our judgment and our resolution, that he will safeguard us from all false pride and from all cowardly servility, that he may grant us to find the straight path,
We must stop talking about the American dream and start listening to the dreams of the Americans., All the evidence that we have (mostly clinical evidence, but already some other kind of research evidence) indicates that it is reasonable to assume in practically every human being, and certainly in almost every newborn baby, that there is an active will toward health, an impulse towards growth, or towards the actualization of human potentialities.,
