Hey AllFor what is liberty but the unhampered translation of will into act?,
Genius without education is like silver in the mine.,

Remain strong in your faith, as you were in former years. In this faith, in its close-knit unity, our people today go straight forward on its way and no power on earth will avail to stop it,
How desperately difficult it is to be honest with oneself. It is much easier to be honest with other people.,

Man who waits for roast duck to fly into mouth must wait very

Xin chao ong A house is made of walls and beams a home is built with love and dreams.,
The human soul, as a part of the movement of life, is endowed with the ability to participate in the uplift, elevation, perfection, and completion.,

Custom reconciles us to everything., This creative man, who in his own selfish affairs is a coward to the backbone, will fight for an idea like a hero.,

All people are your relatives, therefore expect only trouble from them.,
Dost thou love life ? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of., Fortunes made in no time are like shirts made in no time it's ten to one if they hang long together.,

The worst of charity is that the lives you are asked to preserve are not worth preserving,

Begin -- to begin is half the work, let half still remain again begin this, and thou wilt have finished., If you question any candid person who is no longer young, he is very likely to tell you that, having tasted life in this world, he has no wish to begin again as a `new boy' in another,