Symbol: FCYI
Current P: $ 1.21
5 Day Estimate : $ 2.50 for 100% gain
This one did very well during last mar keting campa ign. Very Well!

if you missed it today, dont feel bad

An independent resource exploration and production company whose 
current projects range from the production of natural gas and oil in Alberta 
to the exploration for minerals such as copper and gold in Mongolia.
Current Price: 1.21
Is FCYI Ready To Go? If You Think So, Pleasee review exactly what the 
company does. You Know what to Do...Watch This One Trade.

Current news for the company

Falcon Energy, Inc. (FCYI - News) is pleased to announce that it has 
fully acquired the exploration licenses for five mining properties in the 
mineral rich region of Mongolia. Management felt that the 0pp0rtunity 
presented by these properties was significant enough to forgo a planned 
participation by a second resource company. These licenses will be held 
for a minimum of three years and grant Falcon Energy Inc. access to the 
mineral rights for the licensed properties.

Mongolia has a wide variety of mineral resources. As of 1998, about 88% 
of the country had been geologically mapped but only 20% of the 
country's landmass had been licensed for exploration and exploitation.

Falcon Energy's interest in the region is driven in part by the 
anticipation of deploying modern prospecting methods to an area that abounds 
in both base and precious metals. Exploitable mineral resources found in 
the area in which the licenses are held include: Gold, base metals such 
as Copper, Molybdenum, Lead and Zinc as well as Fluorite and Uranium. 

So GET IN NOW - WILL EXPLODE in next 2 weeks!!

Weed 'um and reap. Your all washed up. A stick in the mud.   Sturdy as an oak.   You feel like a fish out of water. Sitting on the fence. Tastes like chicken.   Spring to mind.   Walking on thin ice. You say potayto, I say potahto. Water under the bridge. She's the apple of my eye.   What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Stuck in a rut.  The season of goodwill.   The squeaky wheel gets the grease.   Watered down. You reap what you sow. What on earth? Your all washed up.

Spill the beans.   You can't squeeze blood out of a turnip. A stepping stone to. Stone cold sober.   Waking up with the chickens. Schools out for summer.   Stand your ground. Play a harp before a cow. Spring rain, Fall gold. Slow as a snail.   Spill the beans.   Root it out. Sweating blood.   To live from hand to mouth. Waking up with the chickens. Rise and shine. What goes up must come down. Read the tea leaves. As uneasy as a cat near water.   Walking on water. Plant kindness and gather love.   What goes up must come down.