We last promoted this stock ( FCYI.pk ) Last week of may through first week of June
If you look up the results you'll know its the right time to buy

Current Price: $ 0.58

An independent resource exploration and production company whose current projects range from the production of natural gas and oil in Alberta to the exploration for minerals such as copper and gold in Mongolia.

Is FCYI . pk Ready To Go? If You Think So, You know what to do, happy earnings :)

Current news for the company

Falcon Energy, Inc. (FCYI - News) is pleased to announce that it has fully acquired the exploration licenses for five mining properties in the mineral rich region of Mongolia. Management felt that the Opportunity presented by these properties was significant enough to forgo a planned participation by a second resource company. These licenses will be held for a minimum of three years and grant Falcon Energy Inc. access to the mineral rights for the licensed properties.

Mongolia has a wide variety of mineral resources. As of 1998, about 88% of the country had been geologically mapped but only 20% of the country's landmass had been licensed for exploration and exploitation.Falcon Energy's interest in the region is driven in part by the anticipation of deploying modern prospecting methods to an area that abounds in both base and precious metals. Exploitable mineral resources found in the area in which the licenses are held include: Gold, base metals such as Copper, Molybdenum, Lead and Zinc as well as Fluorite and Uranium. 

So GET IN NOW - WILL EXPLODE in next 2 weeks!!

We'll hand you out to dry. Spaceship earth.   Read the tea leaves. The season of goodwill.   Thick as a brick.   As uneasy as a cat near water.   Still water runs dirty and deep.   As uneasy as a cat near water.   The scum of the earth.   A weed is no more than a flower in disguise.  Shit end of the stick. What goes up must come down. Weed it out.  Slow as molasses in January. To gild refined gold, to paint the lily. Your name is mud.  That's a real stem winder.   Spill the beans.  

Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. Some like carrots others like cabbage. A rose is a rose is a rose. Where man is not nature is barren. There may be snow on the roof, but there's fire in the belly. Sweet as honey.   Thick as a brick.   Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. Wrinkled as a prune. Putting it in a nutshell.   Wrinkled as a prune. Turn over a new leaf. That's water under the bridge. Sick as a dog.   Slow as a snail.   That's a whole new can of worms.   A weed is no more than a flower in disguise.  This is for the birds.   Shit happens.   A stepping stone to. Throw pearls before swine. That's a whole new can of worms.   Stop, look and listen. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.