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at Earth from a pistol located somewhere  along the Earth-Deneb  line. Deneb
Before running any games I installed and ran 3DMark 2001 and it scored at 8994, which is somewhat of a disappointment because the previous S360 scored at 9989 without having any modifed drivers or any tweaks on it. On FutureMark 2003, the S460 scored 2358 points. This test was done straight out of the box and it didn't lag on any one of the tests. The score is actually near mid-end desktop performance, so you will know straight off that it can handle any of the latest games. I installed Battlefield 2 and the game actually ran smoothly. Unreal Tournament 2004 and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within looked amazing thanks to the Sony XBRITE screen.  I also loaded up some anime such as Bleach and Tsubasa Chronicles and they also look amazing. The built in speakers were actually decent but with weak bass. Any pair of headphones you use will be better than the built in speakers.

Sony VAIO S260 Keyboard view (view larger image)
Keyboard and Touchpad: 

Extraterrestrial Cultures?"
Right Side (view larger image)

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