Here are some examples of the risks of making a mistake in code-switching.  I copied the following directly from  The examples are more edifying (and frightening) than the definitions.

"Oreo:   Term for African Americans that the black community is generally offended with for betraying their roots usually for dating caucasion girls, dressing too white, talking too white, etc. The term is branded OREO since they are "Black on the outside, White on the inside"

Example:  'Damn, Marcus, have you seen Deon lately? The brother is a total Oreo, he's all drivin' a BMW with his white biatch. The brotha forgot where he came from!'"

Here's another definition - more school oriented:

"Oreo:  What black kids at my school are called if they aren't intolerant and disrespectful trolls who hold up the hallway everyday in between class pushing pot and cutting the entire lunch line.

Example:  my friend dyson from geometry is called an oreo because he doesn't sell, talks to white people, respects other people and thinks about his future."

Geoff Layton

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