The NCTE "In-Box" for this month is certainly anti-grammar, but the main 
news is not - this article was in today's Chicago Tribune, but I think it 
was cited earlier on this list in another paper.  If this link doesn't work, 
go to the Trib's web site and search for "grammar.",1,4673703.story?ctrack=1&cset=true. 
  If NCTE doesn't support grammar, perhaps the schools will - but probably 
only in response to parents.

Geoff Layton

PS:  Anybody know of any teaching gigs out there (geography WIDE open!)?  I 
quit my job at CPS when I had to deal with the Chicago cops during my 6th 
period class after a "student" showed up reeking of weed and when my 8th 
period scholars started throwing trash cans at each other (fortunately, not 
at me!).  Some teachers can deal with this stuff - God bless 'em - but I'm 
getting too old.

>Several people on this list have suggested that NCTE's position on
>grammar is changing. This morning, a colleague called my attention to
>two news releases by NCTE, dated October 24th and October 25th). Both
>specificially state that NCTE's position has NOT changed. One of them is
>The other is at:

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