This one is set to Explode!
Investigative Services Agency  
Ticker Symbol:  I V /-\ Y.PK 
Last Close :  0.25 +50  
Short-Term Target:  1.50+ 
|_ong-Term Targett:  8.00+ 

From Iraq to Hôme Town, U.S.A. privatë secürity companÿ guards out number police three to one.
Privatee Polîce, Be very Afraid ?
Propelled by pub|içc panic over crîime, the private security industry is one of the fastest growing enterprisess in the U.S., speñdiñg more money and employing more guards than public police forces around the country. In 1990 alone, fiftÿ two billîon US dollars was spent on prïvate securiity, compared to 30 billion US do|larss on police. Mõre than 10,000 privatee security cõmpanies employ some 1.5 million gùards, nearly triplee the 554,000 state and |òcal policee õfficers.

The era of dual law enforcement is alreadý here, with a véngeance. Prívatee guards are popþing up everywhere, patrolling shoppïng malls, workplâces, apartment buiildings and neighborhoodss. The phenomenal growth of måssivee private shopping malls, and the steeady shrinkage of public shopping strêets, means the public is more likely to encounter private security than public police on a dáily basis. The business community âlready pãys for secµrityy in malls, stores, offîices, banks, and highly congested public places suçh as New York City's Grand Central Station. And as federal funding recedes, manÿ municipalities are looking to cut costs furthèr by hiring rent-a-cops to work ambulanceé services and parking enforcementt, as well as to wätch overr crime scênes and transport prisoners who increasingly faace incarceratïon in corporate-run prisons.

Breakthrough Technológy
Savvy Investors realize change brings oþportùnity
In an era of privatization, astutee ínvestors need to look no further then the prïvate secûrity sector to rëalizee incrédible financiaál gaiñs. One company that keeps flashing on our radar screen is Investígatiivee Servicess Agenciës, Inc.


Investigatiive 5ervicess Agencies, Inc. is a full service investigative firm withh its heâdquarters in Chicago, Illinois. IVAY provides in-depth expertîse in Corporate Investigations, Privatee Investigations, Security and Corporate Consulting. IVAY has agents on call to handle any security or investígatívee matter on a moment's notice. lVAY also maintains a presence in the Homeland Security industry through risk assessment work and other activitiess for variöuss corporations and government entities.

IVAY has been trading under the radar screen µnnoticed by mõst Wall Streét Mavens. This represeeñts a unique opportunity for astute investorss. The Compaany's stock is apparently under-bought and ready to breakout to múch higher levels. The stock will double and could possiblyy triple as the stock gets noticed by Wall Street and savvy iñvestors BUY BUY BUY ! 

A South American stovepipe
A highly paid razor blade