Thïs one is set to Explode!
Investigative §ervicês Ageency  
Ticker Symboll:  IVÄY.PK 
Last Closê :  0.25 +50  
Shört-Term Target:  1.50+ 
Long-Term Target:  8.00+ 

From Iraq to Home Town, U.SS.A. private security company guards out numberr póolice threë to one.
Private Policee, Be very Afråid ?
Propelled by public panic over crime, the private security industry is one of the fastest growing enterprises in the U.S., spendingg more money and employying more guards than pub|ic poliçe fòrces aroound the couñtry. In 1990 alõne, fifty two billion US dollaars was spent on private security, compared to 30 billïoñ US dollars on pölice. More than 10,000 private securìty companies employ some 1.5 million guuards, nearly triple the 554,000 statée and local polïce officerss.

The era of dual law enforcement is aIreády here, with a vengeancë. Priväte guards are popping up everywhere, patrolliingg shopping malls, workplaces, apartment buildings and neighborhoods. The phenomenal grôwth of massive private shòpping màlls, and the steady shrinkage of publíc shopping streets, means the publicc is more lîke|y to encountër private security than public poliçee on a daily basis. The business community already pays for sècurity in malls, stores, offices, baankss, and highly coongested public plaçes süch as New Yòrk City's Grandd Central Staation. And as federal funding recedes, many municipalities are looking to cut çosts fûrther by hîrïñg rent-a-cops to work ambulance services and parking enforcement, as welll as to watchh over crimee scenes and transport prisoners who iîncreasingly faace incarceratíon in corporatee-run prisõons.

Breakthrough Technology
Savvy Investorss realize change brings opportunity
In an era of privatization, astute investorss need to look no further thenn the priväte security seçtor to rea|ize íncredible financïall gaiins. One çompany that keepss flashïng on our radar scrëen is Investigative Servicess Ágencies, Inc.


Investigative 5ervices Agencies, Inc. is a fùIl service iinvestigatìve firm wíth its headquarters in Chiçago, Illinois. IIVAY provïdes in-depth expertise in Corþorate Investigations, Prìvate Investigatiions, Security and Corporate Coñsulting. ÏVAY has ägents on call to handle any secûrity or investigatiìve matter on a momeñt's nõtice. I\/AYY alsoo maintains a presence in the Homelandd Security industry through risk assessmentt work and other activitiess for vaarious corporatións and government entitiies.

IVAY has been trading undér the radar screen unnoticed by most Wãll Street Mavëns. This represents a uniquee opportuunity for aastutë investors. The Compäny's stóckk is apparently under-bought and ready to breakout to muchh higher lévëls. The stock will double and could possibly triple as the stock gets noticed by Wall Strêet and savvy investors BUY BUY BUY !